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Proprietor of MTM Solutions in Barovia, Mikaeus spends his times solving clients' various problems using his wide array of talents, along with his business partner, The Mask. Murders, stolen items, grifts, they do it all.

Campaign & Party

The Court of Roses

Mikaeus The Wolf Spider Syvis Calliope The Mask
Run by dungeonmattress
Fri 5th May 2023 03:51

Journal Entry

by Mikaeus

I am no longer confident in things here. [Ink pools slightly here, a sign of the pen sitting on the page longer than it should as the writer considers the next sentence.] My meeting with Thomas has left me unsure whether I was ever actually the lead in this partnership or not. It’s not as if I’m unused to being used or manipulated. Simply that I am aware of these times, my role in them, and how I stand to benefit from being a tool.
And, I had the dream again. Same as it always is. But it’s been a while. I am no longer a child, scared in the dark of the dead and dying. Fears like that have little hold over me anymore. I have ensured that anything that might compromise my goals has scarred over & drained out of me. All that is left is what is needed to do what must be done. To ensure that I have everything I deserve.
I suppose, in the long run, it matters not if we are using each other to further our own independent goals. I am not an unreasonable man.

Mikaeus's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Journal Entry
    22 Dec 2022 10:14:52
  2. Journal Entry
    07 Jan 2023 11:14:49
  3. Journal Entry
    15 Jan 2023 03:50:04
  4. Journal Entry
    14 Mar 2023 08:44:14
  5. Journal Entry
    29 Mar 2023 09:27:02
  6. Journal Entry
    05 May 2023 03:51:31

The major events and journals in Mikaeus's history, from the beginning to today.

Journal Entry

It's been a while since I've been shot. Been longer still since I felt that ephemeral joy that can only come from blood loss. And, yet, still standing. Nothing comes close to it. I had thought to take a souvenir from what could have only been the leader o...

03:50 am - 15.01.2023

Journal Entry

Well, things could have gone better, all things considered. I'm no novice when it comes to heists and chicanery, but something seemed off about the job we somehow muddled through. No guards at all on the second floor, and only one locked door, which I was...

11:14 pm - 07.01.2023

Journal Entry

We arrived back to the office today from the job in Pyre. I say “we”, but, I’m not actually sure where Mask is. He disappeared off the train home. Not unusual, but obnoxious. It wouldn’t usually matter, but when I got in, the girl said we had a le...

10:14 pm - 22.12.2022

Do you have a problem in your life that just won't die? Let MTM Solutions take care of your life's annoyances. Our discreet, two-person team can solve inheritance issues, missing items, and more.

12:08 am - 22.12.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Mikaeus.

Played by
Elias Greystone