Fal Uafrúl Smuggling Agreement

"I need your help, Raga. The Fal Uafrúl and Pfussäwinn Witts seem to be working together," Bridtrerchier pleaded. Raga sighed, "I am not here to help you."
  The trade agreement is a smuggling agreement. The agreement is for Pfussäwinn Witts to smuggle illegal experiments and items. On the plus side for Pfussäwinn Witts, Fal Uafrúl will take the fall if they are caught.   On top of experiments the Black Wing Army believes are the smuggling ring is also a cover-up. The army believes that not only are they smuggling illegal things, but mortals and dragons. The army fears that one of the dragons that is being smuggled out of the city is Alls, a former Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser member. The Black Wing Army is hoping that they can find Alls to figure out what really happened at the end of Sürl Drün Söchdt Inntser's final mission.


The smuggling agreement is for Pfussäwinn Witts to smuggle illegal items and experiments. The agreement also allows Pfussäwinn Witts to look like a victim if the smuggling operation is ever found out. That way the reputation of the company remeans in tack. Fal Uafrúl also able to continue their work as long as they help Pfussäwinn Witts. Fal Uafrúl will also be allowed to operate without the police getting involved.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The smuggling agreement is private. Only the higher-ups of both groups are aware of the full details of the agreement.

Legal status

Treaty, Trade
Crystal, Magical
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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