
"You are now favored by the dragons."
Sometimes a dragon may give favor to a member of the Younger Races, like Humans. Those who are gifted the favor of dragons are given dragon-like powers. Some of these powers are longer life and resistance to some damage.   Because these people are so rare some think that they are not real because of this Favored is viewed as legendary or larger than life. Most Favored keep their status as a secret due to the larger than life view others have of them. Since they are still the same people they were before. Just a little more powerful. Most Favored also don't want to be asked questions about how they became favored by the dragons. It is a personal matter to them.


Major language groups and dialects

When someone becomes Favored they begin to understand Dragons better. This means that they magically learn Draconic and the language of the flight of the Dragon that favors them is apart of. If a Black Dragon favors someone that person will learn Draconic and Black Draconic.

Shared customary codes and values

Favored tend to be very loyal to the Dragon that favored them. So they tend to do whatever that dragon asks. That doesn't mean that the Favored are bound to the will or whims of the Dragon. Some Favored only do what the Dragon asks if it will also benfit them.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Although Favored are made and not born it is still possible for a Favored to be born. If two Favored have a child together it is possible for that child to born as Favored.

Common Taboos

The main taboo among Favored is speaking ill of the Dragons. After all, without the Dragons, they would not have dragon-like powers or lives. Speaking ill of the Dragon that favored them is a great way to get the blessing removed.
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