Kasērtha Guvoryu

These Warlocks have all made a pact with Qaydith or one of the other Dā Е̄tyū Kacī gods. They are reclusive due to being excluded from the community due to their worship of gods that were banned with the Dissolvement of Ci Scá Múnt which has not stopped them from practicing their views. The other thing that makes people not trust them is that Warlocks or Witches as some prefer to be called get the majority of their power from pacts with powerful beings such as the old gods, Ancient Dragons, and Ancient Fey. For this group, their pact with Qaydith makes them dangerous as they often have little regard for others and have been known to be a part of criminal enterprises.   The Witches are seen as a sect of Ci Scá Múnt and Schettri Zuvu as they primarily worship the branch of Fa Geinn that Qaydith is in charge of. They don't see themselves as a cult though crediting their powers to their gods and the safety of their home, Sērtha Ūśyā.


They are rather secretive and not trusting of outsiders since their religious views are illegal in Bridt Sche and being a Warlock is taboo in most mortal circles.
Religious, Cult
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