Ochdtit Wacksauk Unnʧeö (oːçtit ˈvakzaʊk ˈʊnʧeö)

Shaking Tea Leaves in Black Draconic

In the lower section of Nuivurze there is an old-fashioned restaurant that sells sandwiches, tea, coffee, and various deserts such as cakes and cookies. It is known for playing live music and is a source of happiness for people after long days of working on fishing barges and offices. Other people who typically come to be at sea or traveling in other ways are happy to have a moment of levity from long journeys and hard work. Within the city, there are several regulars and clients from all walks of life within the city from the lowest class to the highest.

Purpose / Function

Sitta Seṭi the Tea Master and owner of Ochdtit Wacksauk Unnʧeö strives for a fun and lively environment that is an escape from a hard days work regardless whether or not it's on the ships or the offices of Pfussäwinn Witts. For many people, this tea shop is a nice relaxing place to come after work to get a nice meal and talk to their friends while enjoying live music. In addition to live music, there are other forms of entertainment that only those in the know are aware of.


Ochdtit Wacksauk Unnʧeö is lucky to not be on the lowest level of the city instead it is on either the third or fourth levels of Nuivurze making it so that is accessible to the newer city above and the old one below. It is made up of stone that appears to be weathered with some modern installation in it and some walls that are reinforced by steel.


Ochdtit Wacksauk Unnʧeö is one of the oldest buildings in Nuivurze and since it was once closer to the port it is built it is made up of stone and mortar. The roof still has old-fashioned shingles with a painted sign swinging by the door with a lanturn.
Alternative Names
Shaking Leaf Teahouse
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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