Water Rot

Name is subject to change.
The people of the undercity were sick. Their skin looked washed and blue. Their magic felt like it was flowing in and out like an unhealth tide. Raga sighed as Nyesi stated, "This is the company's fault. If they cared more about the planet then people would not be getting sick."     "Caring too much can get you sick too." Raga mumbled.

Transmission & Vectors

The sickness is water based. Drinking water or eating fish from a conataminanted area will get help sick. The illness can also be transferred by kissing or sharing bodily fluids.


The main cause of the sickness is believed to be a leaking Konn Prünnzu Tradtar that is under the harbor.


Patients tend to have blue-ish skin and fish-like eyes. They also seem to only be able to use water magics.


"I dared not hope..." a woman whispered as she walked toward the group. Although her voice was low they could all hear her.   "Cossoi," Raga said, "how can I help you?"   "Please..." Cossoi whispered, "Help Ithar save these people."

Affected Groups

THe main groups of people affected by the sickness are the poor. Those who have no choice but to eat the fish from the poisoned water. Normal water purafiaction doesn't seem to work and neither does magical ways of cleansing.

Cultural Reception

"The people have started to call it Ithar's Blight," the mayor said. She frowned as she said it. "I was not around with Ithar's Blight almos killed all of the Black Wings, but from what I have read with is nothing like it."


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