Gracklstugh Settlement in Underdark, Faerun | World Anvil
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*Population: 10,000 Druegar, 2,000 Derro, 50 Stone Giants, and an unknown number of slaves (quaggoths, grimlocks, orcs, shield dwarves, svirfneblin, and a few kobolds and goblinoids.   *Governmnent: Absolute Monarchy   *Defense: Large standing army with specialized corps; every duergar is trained for battle, and the citizens of the city create a formible militia   *Commerce: Weapons and armor of high quality; various fungi, molds, and exotic creatures for food; trade from across the Underdark and the surface world   *Orginizations: The Council of Lairds, the Council of Savants, the Merchant Council, the Keeper's of the Flame, Clan Cairngorm, the Gray Ghost, and others   *,around%20Gracklstugh%2C%20creating%20the%20Deepkingdom.

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