Clementine Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Areyan Representative of Urran Clementine (a.k.a. Clem)

As a bird, you live your life blissfully ignorant to mortality and the thoughts of any intelligent creature. You wish for nothing more than to eat, sleep, and eventually, die. One day, after crashing into a tree and being presumed dead by a curious wizard in need of something to experiment on, a small hummingbird was brought into the painful world of sentience. The now awakened, mutated hummingbird began her new life screaming and panicking from the moment her eyes reopened. And for the rest of her life she panicked, and caused panic wherever she went. A destructive force indeed. Some mistake her for a really small Aarakocra, a species of anthropomorphic bird people, but that’s unfortunately not the case. Already outliving her bird friends and bird family, she set out on a quest, joining her new friends the talkative wizard and the foreign kid on a power trip. Along this quest, she was given the opportunity to become human -whenever she wants at will- and she took it. Mostly out of spite for death itself. She now roams the world laughing in death’s face causing more panic and Chaos than ever before. Did I mention she's the representative of a city?

Physical Description

Body Features

Where her arm once was is now the place holder of the arm of a Vrock, a bird-like demon. Slightly longer and much pointier than the other, her discolored new arm was given to her from Asmodeus himself as a small favor for her endeavors.

Special abilities

Due to a wish granted from a genie, she can transform in a flash of light from a bird thing to a human. Not very convenient for the stealthy one but it comes in handy when she needs to grapple a flying devil mid air and proceed to fall out of the sky as an intimidation tactic.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically not very fashionable. She wears what she can find but mostly likes big clothes. The oranger the better. Green is cool too. Her usual outfit is an oversized obnoxiously orange shirt and Leon’s pajama pants. She will either wear mismatching socks or no socks at all.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clementine was hatched as a normal hummingbird somewhere near Therrani, Areya. In 1504 she was injured, thought to be dead, and picked up by Reeza Szanto, who attempted to experimentally revive the hummingbird unknowing that the creature was still alive. Incidentally, the hummingbird was awakened to sentience.   Upon The Day the Stars Fell, Clementine wished for power and magical prowess. She wished, specifically, to be the most powerful bard to ever live. She underestimated the dangers of wishing through an Arch devil, though she soon saw just how drastic the fallout was of this wish. When tasked with speaking to the Lady of the Sixth and finding a way to restore things to the way they were before the mass wish catastrophe, her and her party descended into the first layer of hell where they found that every bard stronger than level 15 had suddenly and inexplicably died. Additionally, her body can barely handle the sudden gain of magical ability, and will damage itself upon casting a high enough spell level. If she attempts to use magic in her hummingbird form, she can only safely expend spell slots up to level 6 and in human form she can cast up to level 8; otherwise, taking significant damage. Power does not come without a price.   Clementine, upon gaining the ability to commune with Asmodeus, swore her loyalty to him as he was the most powerful being she had witnessed and could probably relieve her existential worries. To win his favor, she gave him a recipe for disaster. Clem delivered the book of Vile Darkness to the lord of the nine himself. Her and her party were then assigned by Glasya the lady of the 6th to kill Levistus, lord of the 5th. And so they did. However, during this fight, Leon, the Phoenix sorcerer of the party was charmed and casted meteor swarm against his friends. Clem’s arm torn from her in the process. She survived however, and on her fainting breath uttered a final power word kill. The deed was done and Glasya in turn put in a good word for her.   After teleporting to Asmodeus’ throne, she sought favors from the devil. He listened as she explained that she wanted her party’s souls to go to their rightful place in the universe no matter what contract they had signed while in hell. She also wanted an arm back. Easy. The biggest desire of hers, however, was to have some protection after death. Because she swore loyalty to Asmodeus, her soul will go to hell no matter what. She didn’t want to become a mindless Lemure post Mortem. So Clementine, once bird, now human, soon to be devil asked the Asmodeus if she could become someone of importance when she dies, his right hand man so to speak. He informed her that her she would be on a long list of people who desired the same thing. People who worked their way to the top. But that wasn’t enough. She needed to be sure she wouldn’t die lonely and brainless in a never ending war as a Lemure. So she gifted him a flask in hopes of winning his favor. An iron flask. One she collected from an earlier adventure.   The iron flask is a magic item that can seal away a creature from a different plane of existence. This one just so happened to contain a solar, or arch angel, of a water goddess. A perfect replacement for the lord of the fifth. Coupled with the Book of Vile darkness, Clem had just given Asmodeus his next champion, one bound to greatly rival Zariel. Now she was worthy of power. For her sacrifices, she was promised a place among Asmodeus’ council. She could finally live a mostly worry free life.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Incredibly stealthy; can hide just about anywhere. Great at deception, performance, and slight of hand. She should be a rouge but then she wouldn’t be able to do cool magic things. Very fast, as a flying creature she has 60 feet of movement per turn. Can cast some powerful spells including but not limited to: mass heal, psychic scream, power word kill, and wish.


Contacts & Relations

She says she’s dating the devil only half joking. Asmodeus finds it amusing and tells her “believe what you want”. That’s basically a confession right?


Leon Mureiy

Friend (Important)

Towards Clementine




Friend (Important)

Towards Leon Mureiy




Leon was present when Clem was created. They tend to get along as the two most influenced by Reeza's sporadic activities and as the other two primary residents of Reeza's Shoppe of Wonders.

Shared Acquaintances

• Reeza Szanto
• Sprout
• Kyle

Legal Status


Chad Evans

Friend/Driver (Important)

Towards Clementine




Friend (Important)

Towards Chad Evans




Clementine is one of Chad's employers in the team and specifically was one of the ones advocating for his piloting of the airship. Introducing him to the airship, she also nudged forward the idea of Nowe apprenticing with him. Clem trusts him to come whenever the team needs him and he knows they won't let him down for all kinds of benefits and pay, security, as well as simple friendship, of course.

Shared Acquaintances

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy. Like 110,500g if you count her half of the airship. Mostly obtained by gambling on her life in a game of "pick a card, any card." with the deck of many things. It had some pretty sweet payoff. Shes only slightly more brain dead and probably has a demon waiting to kill her. Worth it.
Chaotic Anarchy
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Representative Clem; that thing; Cutie
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1504 ACE
Circumstances of Birth
Being aWAkened by a crazy wizard.
Current Residence
Therrani, Areya
Short, spiky, green with messy bangs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, slight green hue.
3” - 5’6”
12oz - 100lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm nakey come get me."
"Why Don't we just give everyone a wish spell?"
"sneaky sneaky eggs and beaky."
"Definitely no but it's funny so maybe yes."
"He's fine! He just likes to eat dirt now!"
"I'm mostly a person some of the time."
Aligned Organization

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