Haya Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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The Realist

(a.k.a. Jaeyeo)

Haya, also known as Jaeyeo in some cultures, is the god of earth. He holds dominion over stone, mountains, mining, crystals, gold, loyalty, steadfastness, and so on. He is generally referred to as the fourth of the seven major gods, and the second earthly god after Kalorii. Though, there is some dispute over his age compared to Kalorii, as the two seem to be very intertwined in their histories/origins and which came before the other is a complicated and convoluted thing to detangle. Some also believe that he came at the same time as Kalorii, and that the two are like fraternal twins in a sense. Nonetheless, he is known for being a foundation for the Novean planet. 
Haya has been regarded as a strong god with strong morals and opinions, a steadfast, stubborn attitude, and an unyielding sense of loyalty and honor. How extreme these morals are taken, or what direction they are taken in are up to the culture or religion in question, but often some dwarven cultures will take his word as representing honesty and realism as well as trust being something of extreme value– to not be given lightly, but to be very strong and devout once given. Honor is defined in many different ways as well– ranging from self-assured dignity to honor over defeat. Haya tends to be a dependable patron in simple terms, and though not being the most active for mortals on the material plane of any god, seems to have a certain down-to-earth logic to him. 
Haya has not yet, to the current world's known information, shown himself in a mortal form, however he does have influence through his servants and followers. Planetars and Solars are used by the god to carry out his will and promises, and clerics, paladins, and occasional warlocks stand for him on the planet as well. 
In many stories and scriptures, Haya is said to be close with the goddess Kalorii, the two balancing each other out and presumed as being close in their creation. It is also said that Haya is the middleman between Kalorii and Nuritia, as the two don't tend to get along and are extremely powerful and at times wrathful gods.
Divine Classification
Major God
Lawful Neutral*
Circumstances of Birth
Considered the 4th of the seven gods

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