Kalorii Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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The First Rebel

Kalorii is the goddess of fire. She is most associated with volcanoes, pyromancy, bonfires, and so on. Kalorii is not one of the most popular gods, though she has a decent following and those who follow her tend to be devout. She is the most actively fond of mortals and mortal culture, as such she has a good number of accounts, her morals are quite clear compared to most of the other major gods. She stands for expression, festivity, bravery, fearlessness, and resilience. 
Kalorii is generally referred to as being a boisterous, excitable god with an undying curiosity and a need to try new things. She tries to be the most present for her followers as possible, however she is a god with many tasks, duties, and entities to look after and thus is somewhat sporadic despite her devotion. Many followers of hers and those who consider her highly see her as a symbol for revolution, and often her presence and morals are confused with wrath or insubordination. 
Kalorii is the third or fourth of the Gods– it is often conflicted in origin stories whether her or Haya, the god of Earth came first. Fire and Earth formed Novea, so to speak, thus they are very intertwined. The two are said to have a close, sibling-like relationship with one another where Haya's realism and boundaries keep Kalorii's revolutionary, overtly expressive, and somewhat reckless behavior in check.
One tale often told is that Kalorii came before Haya, and Haya was created with the realization that Kalorii alone was too scorching and explosive for a proper world to coexist with her. Haya and Kalorii at first were nearly inseperable– magma, lava, a molten world the two had full dominion over; though they had infinite possibility and freedom to create, everything was chaos in the early days. Haya began to keep Kalorii in check, realizing that a world without some foundation and steadiness would go nowhere in the end, but Kalorii's power was too strong– the two mirrored one another in strength and ability and all could be counteracted. Then came Nuritia to quell this problem. The goddess of water, Nuritia is said by this story to have been formed to limit Kalorii and stabilize Haya. She was intense and unforgiving, covering all that was in her path, taking her given duty and making it her soul purpose for existing. The oceans rushed over the face of the planet with such force that neither of the other earthly gods could at first counter her. Kalorii, stuck primarily to the earth's core, felt imprisoned and belittled, enducing such a great wrath that she pursued through her brother's boundaries, adamant on conquering her share of the surface world and standing against Nuritia. Volcanoes and faults followed, and Kalorii in great rage threatened to make the whole world burn once more in the name of her rebellion. Only Haya could try and calm her, try and reason with her as an ally rather than an oppressor. He embraced her, and he reasoned with her for the sake of a more just world– the two agreed on Kalorii having her share of influence on the surface through volcanic windows, the remaining cracks in the earth, fires that burn on the land, and things of that sort. Nuritia and Kalorii still are said to be in constant disagreement, often with Haya as a middleman between them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kalorii often appears human if she is to present herself in a physical form or representation. She typically appears as a young, athletic human woman with tattoos patterning her arms and parts of her chest and back. Her skin appears a warm tan, glowing with gold and orange highlights, her hair is partly shaved and/or tied back in flaming reds and oranges, and her eyes glow a warm, flickering red orange with flecks of gold. She typically is seen in casual island-wear; a bright wrap around her chest with midriff exposed, and loose, breezy pants or shorts. Sometimes she has another wrap around the waist, and often she isn't wearing any shoes at all.

Personality Characteristics


  • To observe and partake in mortal cultures, experiences, and festivities
  • To fight for those oppressed and spread bravery and courage for places/people in need of revolution
  • To provide hope and warmth to those alone 
Divine Classification
Major God
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Birth
Third of the gods, but nearly the same as Haya
(human form) Red/orange
(human form) Flaming red/orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
(human form) Warm tan
(human form) 5'10"
(human form) ≈ 150lb
Other Affiliations

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