Holy Order of the Phoenix Organization in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Holy Order of the Phoenix

minor religious organization

The Order– better known as the Cult of Lady Lazarus is a small cult within the mountains north of Areya, just northeast of Rigent. The cult members seem to worship and live within a mountain cave system with a discreet opening/entranceway that opens up to a large cavernous clearing, carved out to create a grand underground temple. This temple is notably basked in the red and orange lights of many torches and pedestals of flame, and one large, entrancing bonfire behind the priest's pedestal, which is kept lit at all times– they say for 100 years.
The Cult worships Lazarus, a minor deity that takes the shape of a great phoenix. During the raids of the lich king Sieg, Lazarus used her explosive, violent, and awe inspiring celestial power to fight back in Areya's favor, specifically in the west and northwest of Areya (Pilea, Rigent, etc.)– though she ended up becoming obsessively vengeful and overly destructive to the point of destroying just as much of Areya as invading forces, the cult formed in honor and awe of her actions in the war. They praise her with a similar motif to the phoenix itself– that she burnt many to ashes, some of which innocent and upon their side such as the fires in Pilea, but from ashes come change.


Lead by a few high priests, most of which are older and have seen the goddess' work first hand. Beneath are scholars and followers.

Public Agenda

Respect and worship of Lazarus as a true and necessary deity and historical figure to Areya's history. That her destruction be seen as necessary and inevitable and instead of it being frowned upon or condemned, it should be considered a rebirth.


Mountain temple, about 45 members (about 25 full time), cave system, historical/religious tomes, scribes/archivists, fire in which forging artisan works isn't uncommon


During the raids of the lich king Sieg, the first founding members of the order witnessed the power and wrath of a great phoenix destroying enemy forces for the good of the nation. The more she did so, the more vengeful and volatile she became, eventually destroying most of what was in her path and not just those attacking Areya. The first followers considered this fire a necessary rebirth– as the country changed, the landscape and society must as well and in order to do so the original, old ways must be torn down– in this case in flame. However, many saw that Lazarus was losing all sense of control and growing more violent by the day. In a last ditch effort to stop her, the high priest sealed her away into a feather of hers until her madness was calmed for good. The order began as a testament to her power and grace, in awe, fear, and respect of her and her actions, knowing full well that her destruction, when not hindered by the maddening power of the Divinity, was for the betterment of all.

Mythology & Lore

The deity Lady Lazarus ascended to become an unstable celestial as she happened to stumble upon a shard of the Divinity, using her newfound power to defend and restart the nation of Areya. After her destructive power left many settlements in rubble and ash, she disappeared, trapped by her own high priest within a single feather of hers. The second coming of Lazarus occurred when she was brought out of her imprisonment using one Leon Mureiy as host and embodiment. More sightings occurred as she walked the earth once more, only to return to a state of hibernation within the mind of Leon.

From the ashes come change.

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Cult of Lady Lazarus, Followers of Lazarus
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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