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The Phoenix of Pilea

Lady Lazarus (a.k.a. Phoenix Goddess)

Lazarus was once known as a large phoenix with flaming wings of metallic feathers that shimmered with radiance and eyes that glowed typically either white or gold, as they reflected the color of her flames at any given moment. Though she appeared this way, she was not a typical phoenix. In fact, she was not technically what is known to be a phoenix at all- she was a celestial being categorized as a minor deity. The giveaway in her appearance for this truth was mostly held in a white radiant halo that glowed in an arc around her head. For a pivotal time in her life she was held in a symbiotic hosting situation with Leon Mureiy as her host after having her soul trapped into a feather to prevent her from going insane as she previously had when being completely physically manifested. Leon could manifest her at times and recall her, making a convenient functional relationship where she could sit in peace in his mind and see through his eyes, and occasionally she could be summoned and experience the world in full for periods of time.
In 1506 she was set free from her physical insanity as a deity, transferring her celestial status and it's power over to Leon Mureiy and returning to the human state she was in when she found the celestial shard that made her into the goddess she was. Leon took on the potential insanity as well as the godly power and title, leaving Lazarus with a life completely her own again, allowing her to do whatever she'd wanted to do before she ascended. She is currently simply travelling and experiencing parts of Areya she hadn't seen through her own eyes in many, many years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lazarus was born a human in Pilea, United Nation of Areya. Her beginnings were that of a young woman raised in a war torn world, of which she wished freedom from in the form of peace. As a result of this, she set off on a pilgrimage to the Areyan Temple of Life– hoping that intervention by goddess of the Great Seven, Mytera, may finally set Areya’s chaotic landscape right with harmony and peace. what she found was not a harmonious site however. The temple had been obliterated, and in its place among the rubble only one entity remained: a blindly radiant shard of pure light, hovering at the core of what was once a great temple. Upon approaching and grasping this shard of energy– hoping that this was a gift from the gods, or at least an item that fate brought to her hands– she became instantly engulfed in searing energy. It overtook her human form, both destroying its meek mortal material and replacing it with celestial matter and pure, unadulterated energy, and even from far off, a beam of light streaking into the night sky could be seen in the distance from multiple of the warring cities within the borders of Areya.
Lady Lazarus was reborn. As such a being of extreme power she could choose any form she so pleased– and eventually upon giving her new self a purpose, she chose that of the great phoenix; rising from the ashes of war and strife to blaze the country anew. What started as an attempt at winning peace grew like a wildfire into an undying hunger for vengeance and, in her mind, justice. She became a massively powerful and feared force against those who dare attack Areya, but in doing so she became more and more bloodthirsty, furious, and chaotic. Fire can be used as a great weapon against evil as well as good, but no matter what it is used for it will spread and destroy all in sight if it is not controlled. This is what happened to most of what Lazarus touched, and eventually her very hometown of Pilea was scorched to ash by her own doing.
As a last resort she was contained. A priest within the town, surrounded in the ashes of all that he knew, entrapped her into a single feather in order to prevent mass destruction to spread farther than what had already been sacrificed in Pilea. He managed to do this and placed her essence within a box, not knowing what else to do with it but knowing that leaving was the only choice now that the entire town was simply no more. The last thing known to have happened in Pilea was said priest finding three young strangers in the town’s center, curiously wandering in awe of the extreme destruction around them. He had nothing left to give and nothing left to lose, so in simply wanting to rid himself of the enormous burden, he gave the box to the strangers hoping that they would abide by his words to never open it. A foreign young man took it from his hands with curious intent and no words other than a quiet, “why?” upon being told to not open the box. Explaining it’s power and it’s great burden, connecting it to the destruction around them, the priest left, comfortable enough in knowing that even if the box was opened and the feather exposed, that Lazarus’ pride and great judgement would prevent her from ever finding a host that she considers worthy of her power and worth compromising with to become one entity within the host.



Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Leon Mureiy



Leon Mureiy

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Lazarus




Leon was given the feather entrapping Lazarus' soul in 1505 in the town square of the scorched, ashen village of Pilea. Upon touching the feather in a field nearby out of feeling drawn to it, Leon met Lazarus and spoke with her, agreeing to function together as a symbiotic relationship with Leon as a host in exchange for Lazarus giving him assistance and power. The toll for this power was Leon's ability to feel pain, which he lost completely after the agreement. The two worked together for about a year and a half, becoming very close and Lazarus being within his headspace and hearing his thoughts all the time making it hard not to get to know him very, very well. 
In 1506 after the One Day War on Annabell of Stezan, as Leon was granted a Wish spell from Sylvester's Deck of Many Things, the two were posed with a tough decision. Lazarus didn't even have to say the words for him to know she would wish to be reverted to a normal human like she once was. Leon ended up doing this, in a cleverly worded statement wishing for her separation from him in a human vessel while maintaining her celestial power and status in his own body. For the first time Leon met Lazarus in person at his wedding, hugging her instantly and still feeling as if she knows him better than anyone with their shared experiences and body in the past years.
An unintended loophole makes it so the two of them still maintain a soul connection– their souls being intertwined and inseparable by nearly any known means. The two can still communicate telepathically no matter the distance and somehow feel a certain amount of awareness as to where the other is at any given time.

Shared Secrets

Lazarus is more than fully aware of the danger Leon put himself in in taking on her power, and knows that he likely will encounter madness as the celestial, divine power is more realized. She is completely aware of his odds of madness being very much not in his favor and nearly, if not totally, inevitable. 
Lazarus is also aware, being able to read his thoughts for so long and especially in the moment of the Wish, that Leon's choice to take on divine status was not solely out of honorable means– though a good portion was honorable or for Lazarus' sake, a dash of his reasoning was of an increasing want and affinity for power. 
Lazarus would know many of Leon's secrets being in his headspace for so long. Though this makes them very close and predicting of one another's actions and thoughts, she probably knows more than she'd want to know about his life.

Shared Acquaintances

Legal Status

Close Allies

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Lazarus, Phoenix Goddess, The Phoenix of Areya
Current Residence
long, straight, platinum
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light beige
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Well... Seven out of seven have gone insane taking on the powers of a god, so... I'd say your chances are pretty good."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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