Ko, Kyori Settlement in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Ko, Kyori

Ko is the southernmost clan of Kyori, ruled by the Ko family, the family holding a long lineage back to the founders of the clan. The clan is mostly communal in it's basic structure; schooling is required and managed by the government of the clan, homelessness is nonexistent due to laws in place that board individuals who have lost their means of lodging (which is rare in itself due to the expectation of living with family), and essentials such as basic clothing, basic amounts of rations, and water for example are all a right so long as one is a member of the clan. Commerce, however, exists for anything outside of those basic needs. Artisans are especially common, as well as scholars including those of the order of Shii.
Geographically, Ko is on the edge of the string of mountain ranges running vertically through Kyori, making it more temperate than the more northern clans, yet still cool and foggy. The settlement sits south of the mountains and with the ocean to the north, east, and west as it is a peninsula. Generally this makes for the environment to be mostly smaller mountains or hills covered in a thick blanket of coastal redwood and fir forests reaching up to the coastline, which has many cliff-faces and small islands made from large rocks or other formations that have broken off into the sea. The clan is not walled off, however it's borders are protected at certain key points by rangers and markings; gateways, archways, posts, and symbols on trees or rocks, signify the edges of the settlement.
Ko is very isolated from the world outside of Kyori, as all of Kyori is, however Ko is one of the most open comparatively due to being an important trading port to places outside via sea; mostly to the United Nation of Areya. Though foreigners are rarely welcomed into the settlement, they will appear in the port from time to time and goods from the country south of them are more common than in most other places in Kyori. Nonetheless, Ko is still classically Kyorian in it's ideals– those of reservation, honor, etiquette, high standards and expectations, and the expectation to be independent in the way of not relying on others to succeed while still strictly following the status quo. Family relationships as well as marital relationships are expected to not be particularly close or closer than to anyone else in the clan, rather they are units with a power structure to keep order and generally guide and maintain those involved.
Ko, though very traditional and based around the pantheon of Shii and the superstitions and taboos that come with it, is a relatively advanced settlement. It produces some of the finest weaponry in the world and holds uniquely advanced knowledge on the arcane, drawing from the environment– the forests rich with strange, mystical happenings stemming from the Feywild's overlap with the area.


The government is based around and controlled by the Ko family and it's family head– Ko Seojun. It's highest officials are those within the inner circle of the family, such as Ko Jaejoon, and outside the family most other government officials elected by Ko Seojun are other nobles or, potentially, strong economic figures such as the heads of large businesses and powerful people of the like.


Though not a particularly militant state, Ko does have a force dedicated to it's government that blends into it's inner-settlement policing. Most of it's military consists of specialized units rather than large, army-like forces. The borders are protected with a separate group of protectors, mostly rangers, who are based at forts at certain locations on the edge of the territory. Typically they do not fight unless they have to, and if they do it is with bows and other projectile based weaponry in a stealthier manner.


Ko's most prominent feature is it's port which hosts many ships at a time if need be. Just outside the port is Iri's Gate, which is a large red gateway perched upon an island that denotes the entrance to the Ko Clan's territory. On the borders of the settlement and in various places upon the port are forts that appear to be taller than most buildings, acting as watchtowers and holdings for supplies and protectors, and along the port acting also as lighthouses. Most buildings in Ko look very similar in color and style, all having mostly traditional minimalistic structures. The farther out from the port one goes the more the buildings spread out amongst the hills, mostly the wealthy living in more secluded areas in estates that consist of multiple buildings connected typically by a courtyard. This is the case with the Ko family estate, which is not in the main plaza of the settlement, but instead farther out into the forest as to keep the family better protected and to maintain isolation and solace.


Ko is known for having skilled artisans, it's most prominent impression on the outside world being for it's finely crafted and unique weaponry, very distinct to anyone outside of Kyori. As such, the plaza that grows out of the port is stocked with artisans and merchants selling their goods. Ko does not produce any of it's own precious gemstones, gold, or silver, but instead has it traded in from northern clans or occasionally internationally.
Alternative Name(s)
Ko Clan
National Territory
≈ 30,000
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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