Lautano Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Icon of the Nomad and the Hedonist

(a.k.a. Lucky Lautano)

Lautano is the god of air. His dominion is over primarily wind, the sky, transportation, communication, travel, freedom, relaxation, hedonism, and so on. Lautano is one of the two gods most common in interacting with mortal beings directly– the other being Kalorii. When he does so, he's been known to casually answer questions and address praise or requests as he sees fit, often laid back in a comfortable chair or in lush cushions or some other means of comfort. Though he will often casually answer to his followers, he doesn't care for getting involved with material world quarrels– instead he prefers to stick to the enjoyable, dodging rather than fighting, often staying non-confrontational. 
Lautano is a free-spirited, fun-loving god with a mostly optimistic outlook on existence. He indulges in mortal pleasures and culture as much as he likes and when he appears on the material plane he's been known to take the form of a halfling-like individual with suntanned skin, wearing a loose fitting toga of sorts and a woven crown of leaves or branches. He is somewhat flighty, going from place to place rather quickly with most his choices made in the moment rather than being pre-planned. 
Followers of Lautano tend to be laid back, believing in living life free and easy, avoiding conflict and trying not to concern oneself with the future or the past. Lautano is primarily considered the sixth god, the youngest other than Mytera.

Personality Characteristics


  • Vibing
Divine Classification
Major God
Neutral Good*
Circumstances of Birth
Commonly referred to as the 6th of the 7 major gods.
(mortal form) green/hazel
(mortal form) chestnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
(mortal form) olive tan
(mortal form) ranges

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