The Nuritian Faith Organization in Underoverse | World Anvil
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The Nuritian Faith

The Nuritian Faith is the name of the overarching religion following the goddess Nuritia of water. There are many sects and groups worshipping in different ways, as well as many who idly follow in the faith due to it being a cultural norm, such as in Kankou. The umbrella term covers temples, monasteries, churches, groups, and anything else with the baseline being a belief and following of Nuritia.
The Nuritian Faith tends to be most common in seaside civilizations; those who pray to the goddess for safe travel on the ocean, for abundance in fish or other resources from the ocean, or for any other means relating to respecting and making peace with the vast, unpredictable ocean. However, there are others of course who worship or follow the goddess and in different ways according to location, culture, and needs. Those in the desert may pray to her for rain to end drought and nourish the people. More agricultural locales may focus on her in planting season to rain upon their crops. Anywhere with water there is a possibility of Nuritian influence.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Thriskeía tis Nouritía
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: Seaside Village by SoldatNordsken


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