Nuritia Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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The Unyielding Force

Nuritia is the goddess of water. She is mostly associated with the ocean, storms, rain, rivers, lakes, mist, and so on. She is considered the 5th of the seven major gods, after Kalorii and Haya, but before Lautano out of the earthly gods. Nuritia is generally regarded as a powerful force, a god who has the capability of being merciless and cold, wrathful and unyielding. At the same time, she can be described as a bringer of change and representative of adaptation, a life-giving force if treated well, and though she seems to test those who traverse oceans or ride rapids, if one becomes skilled and resilient to the water's ways they can find great abundance and treasures or sail to distant lands. Because of the nature of water– being constantly moving, being constantly unstable and constantly changing- Nuritia's followers are often less focused on her morals or tenets so much as they try to make peace with her and adapt in order to best respect the water. Sailors and seaside worshippers, such as Native Kankoans are especially dedicated to making peace with Nuritia and finding a sense of fairness in gaining the benefits of food, travel, and the resources for their civilization in exchange for the ocean's unpredictability and force. Others, like some desert civilizations, consider Nuritia highly in prayer for life-bringing, crop-growing rains to come. 
Nuritia's personality is hard to tie down, much like her element itself. She has been said to be easy to provoke, and more antisocial than not in terms of conversing with many mortals or concerning herself with mortal struggles and situations. She has not yet had a recorded mortal appearance.
Divine Classification
Major God
Chaotic Neutral*
Circumstances of Birth
Considered the 5th of the seven major gods- the third of the five earthly gods
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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