The Arbitrium is a ritual that occurs seven days after a child is born to witches of United Britannia and Hibernia. At the event, a Sensitive determines the child's magical status: this constitutes their Born Magic and their potential level of power. The Sensitive then signs a document to confirm the child's magical abilities (or lack thereof) to the Council.
If a child is determined to not be magical, the parents may choose to send them to a human adoption agency or to raise them in the magical world. In the latter situation, a child is given the most menial of jobs and are then considered a Nihil. However, this is a rare situation.
A child's Born Magic has always been of the utmost importance to witches, since that is the magic the witch will typically be the most comfortable and adept at performing. Until recently, many professions required certain types of Born Magic, so a number of parents may even find out their child's future profession on the day of their Arbitrium. Until the late 10th century, a child's magical status was only revealed when their magic appeared or failed to (typcically ages five or six now, their magical status is determined almost immediately after birth by the Sensitive.
Seven days after a child's birth, a Sensitive is called upon to determine the child's magical status. It takes only a few minutes for the child's status to be determined, but there is always a party to celebrate as well. There is very few prescribed steps of this ritual, so parents may tailor it to fit their religion or other specifications.
Components and tools
A document must be signed by the Sensitive in order to solidify the child's legal Born Magic. This document is then registered with the Council.
A Sensitive must be present in order to legally determine a child's magical status. Of course, the child's immediate family attends and the child's extended family and family friends are also present.
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