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Henry XV vows to restore order on Henrietta

Political event


During the 4th of January, the currently ruling king of the United Kingdom took a vow to personally oversee the restoration of order in the Kapteyn system.   Despite heavy opposition from the Chinese government, the UN accepted the help of the monarch, who ordered his most advanced warship, the HMS India and its escort fleet to make the journey to the Kapteyn system where they will help the UN peacekeepers and Jade Bridge contractors restore order in the system.   While the legitimacy of such action is heavily debated as no country is allowed to intervene in the policing of exo-planets, UN representative Joachim Hindelbrüche assured the reporters that Henry XV is considered to be an independent, private individual not acting on behalf of the United Kingdom.     Henry XV gave a speech before he issued the order to the commander of the HMS India, Admiral Erco Hanekom.

[...] Henry XV: As a member of the royalty, I know that it is one of my most important obligations to help those in need and provide a safe life for those that lack the luxury of wealth. For this, I vow to lend a helping hand to the hardworking peacekeepers of Henrietta, who were unable to provide the neccessary safety of the citizens of Naneung. [...] In the following months, as the Royal Fleet takes on the long journey to the Kapteyn system, its crew will use the time to learn and train themselves for the coming task to ensure that the safety of [Naneung's] people is assured as swiftly as possible. [...]

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