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The start of the UN elections

Political event


A new election for the position of Secretary-General of the UN will begin on 2573. 01. 01. The election will last a year and the final results will be announced on 2574. 01. 01. 00:01 UTC. The new Secretary-General will be inaugurated later that day.   Every citizen above and including Protection Level 02 is eligible for voting.

An interview with the current Secretary-General of the UN hints at possible difficulties in the coming election.

Reporter: His Excellency, the military spending of the UN has been increased more this year than in any previous ones. Can you tell us the reason for the sudden change?
Secretary-General: It has always been our top priority to ensure the safety and security of the citizens of all nations. We have been slowly increasing military spending throughout the years to ensure that the UN doesn't fall behind and thus remains an independent organization, not influenced by the strength of individual countries as it has been the case for many years after its creation.
  Reporter: I understand... However, I have one more question.
  Secretary-General: Go ahead.
  Reporter: In the last decade, the people of the Luyten system expressed their desire to be more and more independent of the UN. An outspoken representative even went as far as to call the members of the UN council an "oppressive bunch of Earth-loving bastards". What is your opinion on such claims?
  Secretary-General: There have always been radicals and anarchists that seek to destabilize the peace that the UN has created. I assure you, the UN represents humanity as a whole and does not oppress any group. Those that want to spread misinformation stating the opposite will get what they deserv... excuse me. These people represent a danger to the stability of their respective systems and must not compromise what humanity has achieved so far.

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