Ulmarid is a largely unexplored desert planet in the Vast covered in fierce storms. Several square artificial tunnels of unknown origin run beneath its surface, and both the surface and these tunnels are inhabited by fierce creatures.
Ulmarid's enormous satellites collided long ago, leaving the planet's upper atmosphere crowded with a dense asteroid field. This field makes approaching the planet with larger ships a dangerous undertaking.
Ulmarid's enormous satellites collided long ago, leaving the planet's upper atmosphere crowded with a dense asteroid field. This field makes approaching the planet with larger ships a dangerous undertaking.
Type Planet
Diameter ⅔x
Mass 4/9x
Gravity 1x
Atmosphere Normal
Year length (PST) 14 years
Day length (PST) 2 days
Satellites None
Diameter ⅔x
Mass 4/9x
Gravity 1x
Atmosphere Normal
Year length (PST) 14 years
Day length (PST) 2 days
Satellites None
Location under