Convergence Event Physical / Metaphysical Law in Unveiled | World Anvil

Convergence Event

A convergence event happens as a result of a localized build-up of magical energy.
Since The Unravelling magic has flown differently and more violently in Our World. The Hidden Peoples know that in places where magic thickens, it must be drained or syphoned as to not explode in a cataclysmic event. In Otherworld, this is pretty common knowledge, but not in Our World, where the magic used to be occupied holding The Veil.
Àlfs, Vettés and even trained human witches are working hard to syphon this energy wherever it may occur, but occationally it occurs in a place where none are present or none attuned to magic at least. It is these places that a convergence event is a possible outcome of the magical build-up.
Our World and Otherworld connects, where it wasn't connected before, and a place here on earth gets linked with an often untamed and uncharted corner of Otherworld, from which anything might come - strange animals and plants, odd visual phenomena or even vicious monsters might pass though.


A convergence event is a very surreal experience for people, as all of their senses are bombarded with the impression of two worlds at once at worst and one eye, nostril and ear reacting to each their world at best.


The locations where the magic build-up occurs is still unpredictable with some expecting a higher meaning - like destiny, others believe it random, but every occurence it being noted meticulously.
Metaphysical, Supernatural

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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