The Great Veil

Since time immemorial a great magical illusion kept another universe hidden from our own - Otherworld: a massive, largely unchartered world inhabited by other sapient beings:
The Nature Loving Beings known as the Aes Sídhe consisting of the wise Àlfs and the fatebound Fey Folk
The Nature Bending Beings consisting of the controlling Vettir and the chaotic Jotunnkind.

The Veil functioned as a way to keep these beings automatically hidden when in Our World, either turning them invisible, or altering their look slightly to make them appear human - whichever required least energy.

One summer day, the year 2000 CE, The Great Veil broke. Or perhaps just faded away. There was no bang - it was there, and in a collective blink of the eye, it was not. All creatures previously shielded by its magic were suddently as visible as everything else

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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