
Destiny is a name used to describe the powerful will of the Force of Magic currents flowing in and from Otherworld.
It is the belief of The Hidden People that the flowing magic of their world is more than just an intangible power. That it has a will and a mind of its own - however foreign to us. That it carries some higher plan, and all that we do is merely it carrying out its will through us, or that it will do us best to do so.

Divine Domains

Fate, destiny, order, control.
While the immense displays of power are experienced as chaotic and uncontrollable, they are seen as acts of a Force of order and control, to whom there is a plan in the chaos, no matter how convoluted it appears to us simple beings of flesh and blood.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

While a great many things are considered Fate moving her pieces into place in accordance with her goals, many have different beliefs about what those goals actually may be, but most content with the knowledge that such things are simply not for the undivine to know.
Divine Classification
Force of Nature

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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