Ghost Trains

There are several old myths concerning eerie trains picking up people and bringing them to the afterlife. While the latter is not exactly true, the trains themselves are. With The Veil falling, several places unlicenced trains of often very old design have appeared and their ghostliness debunked.
As these trains are infused with magic, they have no conductor and drive and stop "when needed", which hasn't caused trouble before - back when they were invisible, and no human train conductor had to react to them, nowadays their continued travels have become incredibly problematic, as they drive recklessly and hazardous in between other trains. While the trains never crash themselves, several ordinary trains have crashed as the human conductors have a panicked reaction to their sudden and chaotic passing by.

The magical trains were designed by a dwarf, who was contracted by a wealthy patron stating the reason that "if dwarven ingenuity could ease the life of Alfs in Our World, then it should".
The dwarf recognized the need for The Hidden Peoples to travel far distances fast and with relative ease, while also being allowed a moment of Otherworldly togetherness.

Power Generation

Unlike any others, dwarves have an understanding of weaving magic and material together, and the driving force behind this train is not any fuel, but the mere fact, that magic is a moving force. The simple explanation is, that magic flows with its own unknown purpose, and the train is merely tied to it - It's like waterskiing but the boat is just water too.
One could say that the trains run on magic, but the way the trains know when to drive and stop, it's easier to say that the trains run on fate.
Current location

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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Jun 30, 2024 20:28 by Chase

This is so cool. You've inspired me for this prompt, too.