Golden Fruit

Historically known as "golden apples" these mythical fruits are actually more akin to oranges, only mentioned as "apples", as those cultures didn't know what oranges were at the time. In fact, in greek history the word "apple" has been used as a generic term for all foreign fruits except berries.
These fruits gleam with a magical power and are grown only in a Otherworld island paradise, known from Irish mythology as Emain Ablach. Although kept from humanity by feykind, guarded by Idunn, Gold Fruits have sometimes come across the veil and has appeared in several stories from myth.
In Chinese Mythology these are called Peaches of Immortality. ManannĂ¡n mac Lir is known to own a Silver Branch, which stems from this orchard, and is said to produce Gold Fruit still.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Used by
Related Condition
Extremely rare to come across
Related Myths

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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