Random scribbles #9

Idisiaviso is a magical place - A town inhabitet and designed by fairies, not so far from our city. It's told that it was established by fae before the fall of the Roman Empire, and that it is connected to Otherworld. That it is the embassy of a fae city in Otherworld - Gimlé, established by the survivors of Ragnarok. Our own Dís Thrud used to live there until the veil fell, and she felt needed in our world, but some of the other survivors should still live there.
I haven't been inside Otherworld yet, but I feel a pull towards it. A curiousity that grows insatiable when I know I'm close to a Fairy Mound. I wonder if all Changelings feel it - an umbilical cord getting tugged on.
We sometimes go on an excursion together to Idiaviso, organized by Thrud and the other elders. They concider it important for us to connect to our roots, and I know Thrud is planning for an excursion to Gimlé, but she says there are many variables and threats in Otherworld that have to be "at a favorable mood" for it to happen. I think she hopes many of us find our connection and true heritage in there - become true fae, like changelings used to back when the veil was intact.
From what I gather, back then changelings would just believe that they were regular human until their late teens, where they'd be collected by their real parents or follow the pull to Otherworld, officially joining statistics of disappearings, assumed murdered, kidnapped or fallen into a river and the like. The fall of the Veil scrambled the tradition up. I assume a lot of fey returned to families only to realize, that their children had been stuffed in orphanages long ago, and they just.. gave up looking.
Maybe my parents came by too - saw my absence and gave up. Or maybe they never came for me, and I was just supposed to walk out one night - leaving the house a human, showing up here in Idisiaviso and becoming ...something else ...someone else? I shutter at the thought. In some of us it's easy to imagine what we'd become, but others are harder to pinpoint. I don't know what I come from, and maybe it's okay that I don't wanna know. That I don't become something more limited by their Compulsion. Or something more monstrous - too alien for our world. I mean, I probably wouldn't be ...right? But I don't feel like taking that gamble, if I can avoid it.
I think Thrud senses my reluctance, but she hasn't directly said anything, besides making sure I never forget when the next Sigrblót is gonna happen. Sigrblót is a... special day for changelings. It's the day of the year where we invite the fey who lost their offspring to orphanhood, and hope to "awaken" the dormant heritage of the changelings - the changelings that want to at least. I haven't gone a single year. The first time we celebrated it at Evergreen Glade, some of my favorite people didn't return - or didn't return as themselves at least, and the sting of that still gets to me.
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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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