The Longing

An immense feeling of melancholy - A condition that may strike many Fae creatures.
To some it is a constant, to others an inevitable future, to others it is something that can be actively avoided.


The afflicted Fae distances themselves more from others.
They seem solemn and gloomy, spending more time staring into the distance, as in longing for something undefineable.


Most often this is a sign that they are near the end of their natural lives. Depending on the Fae in question the length of that autumn can vary wildly.


After prolonged time in this state, comes to many what's known as The Fading, or Fading Away - meaning death, but not just the passing of the spirit, the passing of the body as well, leaving behind only a souvenir of them being there.


To those who can prevent The Longing, the belief is that you must keep true to your being to be complete and keep the condition away:
To a Skinchanger, keeping regularly in touch with your beastly form is believed to be important
To many an Àlf, keeping informed and being an active part of the world, is believed to prevent you from fading away.

Cultural Reception

Some will mourn the coming passing of a beloved friend, but it is seen as a natural occurence, and the afflicted are treated with warmth and acceptance.
They are often allowed to wallow in their melancholy, as it is considered respectful to give them time to ponder over their lives.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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