Al'Quam Ethnicity in Ur'Den | World Anvil
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The Al'Quam are a loose collection of Radashi peoples united by language and common culture native to the Telentia River Plains. Those in Al'Quam  society typically speak Al'Quami and worship The Civilized Gods. The Al'Quam united under Tuk'Badad to forge the Al'Badadi Empire which continues to uphold the culture of its people. The epicenter of it's people is Wes'Alom, the jewel of the empire, which exports the fruits of Al'Quam culture across the Ur'En.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Al'Quam peoples speak Al'Quami, which is the native language of the region.

Shared customary codes and values

The Al'Quam are said to hold truth and wisdom as the highest value. Des'Alom is home to one of the largest libraries in the known world, holding the writings of great philosophers, scholars and poets from across Ur'En. Universities are major institutions in Al"Quam society, promoting learning and study at all levels, from botany to acanomancy. Many of the cultures figures in legend overcome their obstacles not through brute force but through careful contemplation.

Common Dress code

Al'Quam peoples typically wear light, long fabrics. This is a good way to protect their bodies from Sol's harsh rays in the desert. It is also fashionable to accentuate this with fabric of bold colors such as red, purple or blue. Both men and women in Al'Quam high-society make heavy use of jewelry and makeup as a way of displaying one's status. Both men and women braid their hair and men are encouraged to grow long facial hair. Footwear typically comprises of sandals.

Historical figures

The most important figure to Al'Quam history is Tuk'Badad. While the language and common cultures predate him, it was his conquest that instilled a common identity for the people of the Telentia River Plains. Many cultural practices owe their origins to either him or his descendants.
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