Telentia River Plains Geographic Location in Ur'Den | World Anvil
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Telentia River Plains

The Telentia River Plains are the fertile flood plains of western Ur'En. Named for the Telentia River , the plains are prime farmland, flooding in periodic and most importantly, predictable ways. It is one of several locations that gave rise to agriculture and is the birthplace of the Al'Quam culture. The plains are one of the most important geopolitical locations in Ur'En, and the seat of the Al'Badadi Empire.


The plains center around the Telentia River . The river flows south and west from the White-Bone-Teeth Mountains, through the plains and out into the Istaril Sea. To the east of the river lies the desert of the Golden Sands , and to the west, the Mar Fields. The plains are guarded in the north by the White-Bone-Teeth Mountains and the fertile grasslands eventually give way to the The Howling Woods in the south. The river is bordered on either bank by miles of some of the most productive land in the known world.

Natural Resources

The Telentia River itself is perhaps the most important resource of the plains. The river is wide enough for boats but its waters are calm enough to be navigable. The wind's direction often runs counter to the river's water-flow, meaning that ship can utilize sails heading upriver and take the current back down. This means that trade all along the river is relatively easy, allowing it to flourish, but the river has more still to give.
The silt deposited by periodic flooding makes the plains incredibly fertile. The place has become known as the breadbasket of the Al'Badadi Empire. So much food is produced here that in times of plenty, the empire becomes one of the only places in the continent to export food. In times of drought, a system of irrigation keeps the land from turning fallow. Crops are not the only food production as livestock such as Brohnx are also raised in great quantities here.

Beyond the domesticated plants and animals, there is a bountiful game along the river.
Alternative Name(s)
The Breadbasket,
Estuary / River delta
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities


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