Avius Species in Ur'Den | World Anvil
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Avius are a species of large sapient creatures with a mix of avian and ursine features. They are typically large, easily dwarfing a Radashi. They feature bird-like heads and feathers with bear-like bodies and limbs. There are two subspecies of Avius: The owlish Disken and the raven-like Corvus which live in the geographically distant regions of the Autumal Isle and Hakarim Forest respectively. Avius are typically aloof and soft-spoken, leading others to belive them passive and cowardly, but they can be roused to terrible wrath when angered. Most other species see the Avius as gentle giants, content to let them go about their business unmolested, lest they turn to a violent hooting rage.

Basic Information


Avius possess both ursine and avian features. They have heads resembling birds, depending on species. as well as long feathers on their arms, legs, and tails. Their bodies are more akin to bears with thick fur, claws, and large size.

Ecology and Habitats

Avius are at home in forests and mountains. They are able to use their claws to climb trees either to forage for food or to pursue prey into the canopy. Their thick fur allows them to maintain body heat even in the cooler climate of the south. They primarily inhabit the forests of the Autumal Isle and Hakarim Forest but can also be found in the Rajjahid Jungle and even The Howling Woods.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Avius are omnivorous, able to sustain themselves through a diet of meat, fruit, berries, and occasionally honey. They prey on smaller animals like shriek-mice, Windsnakes and fish. They do not hunt larger game unless they are desperate. Avius will forage for high-calorie plant-matter such as fruits, nuts, and edible roots.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Avius are gifted with exceptional sight and hearing.

Civilization and Culture


The Avius did not originate on Ur'Den , arriving from a distant land in two separate waves. The first were the Disken who made landfall on the Autumal Isle. The Disken were fleeing a catastrophe in their homeland that caused them to undertake the perilous journey on the high seas. They quickly spread out across the island, building the settlement of Citree in the north. The local Radashi welcomed the refugees, and their communities slowly merged over time.

The Disken would slowly spread from their initial landing, forming small pockets across southern Ur'En such as the Tower of the Moon. Other Avius integrated into the societies of other species, serving as laborers, navigators, and scribes.

The second wave of Avius, this time the Corvus landed on the shores of the Hakarim Forest. They brought stories of a continent sunk beneath the waves by foul magics. Their timing was unfortunate, however, as less than 5 years later Emporer Ekkaritut would cause the The Long Night of Ekkaritut. Many would blame the Corvus for this event despite a lack of evidence of their involvement, punishing Corvus refugee communities and forcing them to isolate in the furthest reaches of the forest. Since then, they have remained at arms-length from the other societies, preferring to keep their distance, rather than suffer the violent attacks they have endured before.
60-80 years
Average Height
7-8 ft.
Average Weight
300-450 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Avius coloration varies depending on subspecies. Disken feature whites, browns, and blacks, often in patterns. Corvus tend to be mostly black with occasional white markings.
Related Ethnicities


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