The Bazaar Consortium of Kli'ir

As the largest cohesive political body in the province of Kli'ir, the Consortium is often described as "the government" of Kli'ir, particularly by outsiders. While in practice it shares many facets, roles and functions with that of a traditional state, the consortium is primarily concerned with economic endeavors.   A contract made under the rules and with the blessing of the BCK is considered "guaranteed by blood and gods". A phrase which essentially means that a failure to fulfill such contract will result in a righteous demise for the offending party.


The Consortium is primarily governed by a body elected by the merchants of Kli'ir called the Ir'aal. The Ir'aal determine the rules that contracts the Consortium blesses must adhere to, sets tax rates for commerce conducted under the Consortium's auspices and appoints Adjudicators.   Adjudicators are officials of the consortium with the power to bless and evaluate contracts. Once an Adjudicator seals a decision regarding a contract, their decision is considered "guaranteed by blood and gods" and is passed to the Executors for enforcement.   The Executors are tasked with ensuring all contracts blessed by the Consortium are upheld, with force if necessary. Their ranks largely consist of mercenaries and retainers who support a functionary who is responsible for paying and maintaining them called an Executor. Executors are confirmed by the Ir'aal following nomination by a respected merchant or member of the Consortium.


The culture of the Consortium is probably best described as "ordained commerce". It would be a mistake to understand their prerogative as pro free trade or open commerce. They believe that commerce must follow strict rules to be conducted ethically and believe that the rules they adhere to are ordained by the gods and as such tend to be more traditionalist. Their ethos includes strict rules for deals with "unethical entities" which while allowed, are generally looked down upon for introducing immorality to their commerce.

Public Agenda

To protect and promote commerce according to the gods in the region of Kli'ir


The Consortium is likely the wealthiest organization in the entirety of Allrock. While the true sum of that wealth is unknown to all but the highest members of the Ir'aal, it is believed to eclipse the Imperial treasury by a non-insignificant margin.

Guaranteed by blood and gods

Alternative Names
The Consortium, BCK
Ruling Organization


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