Bazaan GrowlSpeak Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Bazaan GrowlSpeak

The Counterfeiter

No one usually pays attention to the big Trollen in the corner.
Once the bodyguard for The Tailors Leader. He thought Bazaan to be simple minded, so he openly explained how he did everything, thinking it would be soon forgotten.
But Bazaan listened, and studied. The Rune magic was difficult, but he managed.
The Alchemy came easy, Bazaan had a talent for it.
When Bazaan first stepped up, to take leadership they laughed. What could a Trollen bodyguard know about the delicate workings of magic?
Those same mouths that laughed hung in disbelief as he did exactly as his predecessor had.
The Tailors begged him to take the top job and thus Bazaan took his position as a Knight of the Road.
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