Session 47 Planning

Session 46: Pit Fighting
Report | May 28, 2023
  This session starts with Team 8 in Deld's van after they are returning from the fighting pit. It is Friday, January 5, 2147 in the afternoon. Deld is excited about the fight that he watched and the way that the fight ended between Avitus and Ricky. He shifts the topic from Team 8 beating each other up to beating up Franz Draco. He shifts the conversation to a more serious tone and asks what they are going to be doing in regards to Franz Draco.



  • Team 8 has been given the task of assassinating Franz Draco on behalf of the Shadow Kind


  • Deld will give them assistance where able. He will tell them that Qhall is the best person for gathering information on others and will recommend that the party seek out his assistance if they need more information before they attack Franz Draco
  • Gimnir Hammerbeard will warn Team 8 that Draco Industries has narrowed down their location to being some where in the sewers. This means that it is only a matter of time before Draco sends an assault team against them.
  • Deld can also offer the team work if they are interested in giving the Kobolds more experience to better prepare them for a possible assault or even to prepare them to be used as an assault for against Draco. Deld will tell them that Mouse and Moxie are looking for someone to complete an investigation for them.
Gargoyle Cathedral
Plot | Feb 5, 2023




Meeting with Qhall

If Team 8 decides to meet with Qhall as recommended by Deld, he will happily host them. After all, he finds them endlessly interesting.   Things that Qhall wants from Team 8 (as payment for investigating for them)
  • Contract with any one of the party members for their brains upon the time of their death so that he may consume it
  • He would accept a very rare or more valuable magical item as payment especially one that is knowledge or intelligence enhencing 
  • Lastly, he would accept doing work for them if they agreed to do a job for him in the future when he called upon them. They would be required to complete the job without questions and without payment or compensation.
Should the party agree to meet one of his forms of required payment, Qhall will do an investigation for them. It will take Qhall 3 days to investigate. He will then invite the party back to meet with him to review what he has discovered on their behalf on Tuesday, January 9, 2147. He will be able to gather the following information for them:
  • He will inform the party that the mansion is likely the best location to attack Franz Draco, yet it will not be an easy location to attack him. However, this is the location that he has the least defenses around him.
  • The Draco Estate is covered by an extensive camera network that is constantly monitored by both a security team and an AI program. These are high quality cameras that would be near to impossible to by pass or hack. Since there are so many of them on the property it would be quite difficult to get past the entire system without being noticed.
  • There is a small protective unit that is always present on the estate. They are known as the Draco Elite. They were once agents of the Shadow Investigation department, but were selected for their exceptional skills. There are four of them. Records of their skills have been expunged from the records, but there are those who still know of them and thus there are rumors regarding what they are capable of. It is said that the team is made up of a demolitions expert, a swordsman, a hand to hand combat expert and  gunman. It is said that they are willing to die in order to protect the estate. The team is said to be a well oiled machine that works well together with lethal strategy. 
  • Ebony has been living on the Draco Estate. Rumor has it that she has been staying there in an effort to keep herself safe from you and the Gnolls. According to the rumors, she is working on a special project for Franz Draco and now answers directly to him.
  • There is are also rumors that there is a dragon on the estate, but this is clearly not possible. But, in good faith, I felt that I must give you all the information that I gathered, regardless of how likely it is to be of value to you.
  • Franz Draco himself is going to be a challenge should you bypass his defenses. He is rather lax with his defenses because he is able to protect himself without really needing to rely on others. It is said that he can summon demons to aid him in battle and that he can change his form if needed. It is difficult to know how much truth there is behind these stories. But it is likely that he does have ability in combat. I have found records from his youth that indicate that he has been formally trained in several types of combat. 
  • There are no maps available of the estate and I wasn't able to find anyone who was willing to give information regarding the estate's layout. All I can offer you is an image from the air of what the estate grounds looks like.
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session planning
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