JKD Silent Livyatan Vehicle in Urbûn | World Anvil
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JKD Silent Livyatan

JKD Silent Livyatan is a ship of the line in the The Duryad Royal Navy She is a four-masted three-decked 102-gunned sailing ship, which could perhaps be considered to be one of the few completed heavy-first rate battleships. JKD Livyatan, with a roaring red dragon as the ship's figurehead, is intended to serve to bolster the morale of the nation after the heavy losses recieved at The Battle of Z'ar Rilark in 8 AC. The flagship was for many years the largest warship in the world.  
My dearest, it took all my willpower not to surrender on the spot! That ship rising out from the sea mist, and cannon smoke like a mighty dragon, guns bared like teeth, fluttering colours and its smiling figurehead, a mochery to our losses that day. I dread to think of how capable it is on the waves, and how rusty our own blades. There was nothing left, nothing but broken ships, drowning screams and the sea stained with the blood of our heroes...
— Fiergish Sailor in a letter to his wife, 10 PC 18 Nightal
  JKD Silent Livyatan is the largest and most revered ship in the United Moonshae Isle's fleet. A fixture in almost all significant naval engagments, the Grey Ghost got its nickname from its accomplishments in the mists of Princes Sound.   The Durish Imperial Royal Ship JKD Silent Livyatan is the current flag ship of the Vnavy, it is solely commanded by the ___ of ____, or his representative if he can't command it himself. Within the Durish navy this ship is only 1 of 3 to bare the designation VRS most valerian ships use the VNS designation. This ship is also unique in that it was built in 372 under the order of it's name sake to specifications that are making it a first rate warship by contemporary standards.   In total the ship sunk 32 different vessels across the sea's it sailed in, this ship is the only elvish vessel to have sailed past the pirate confederacy claim.  
"Pirates had infected the seas for generations, taking the life of my youngest son, my father and his father before, so I vowed to end this plague once and for all. And that is what I did, I destroyed dozens of ships. Nothing could stop the Livyatan.".
— Zragar to Morthos


The rigging of the JKD Silent Livyatan was given an improved and innovative sailing arrangement with four masts, each divided into three sections; the forward two square rigged with mainsail, topsail and topgallants; and the aft two carrying five lateen sails between them. This allowed for easier handling of the sails and spread wind forces more evenly on the ship, resulting in better speed and maneuverability, and allowing better use of the heavy broadside.

Weapons & Armament

The JKD Livyatan was a 102-gun first rate ship of the line, with guns ranging from 3-pounders to massive 500-pounders that fired stone shot. Mounting one hundred and twenty cannons, the JKD Livyatan represented the power of the The Duryad Imperial Royal Navy , particularly its Commander and head of the Armada, Sea Lord and Kabudyan Zhervizar Zragar Baltoghlu Maccal. She carried thirty-two cannons on her lower deck, thirty-two cannons on her middle deck, and thirty-two cannons on her upper deck. Eight cannons were located on her stern, right below the quarterdeck, close to Zragar Maccal's cabin. She also had four cannons on the main deck near the mainmast, two cannons on the forecastle, very close to the foremast, six bow chasers, 1 basilic forward and 2 aft, and two cannons on the quarterdeck, right behind the helm. Despite her great firepower, the JKD Livyatan was slower in comparison with other ships.   , more than any other ship of its day, with each cannon made to allow for the infusion of magic as the situation required.

Communication Tools & Systems

Like other ships of the navy, the Silent Livyatan uses its flags to represent and communicate between other ships and the mainland and a standard issue built-in crystal orb of Greater Sending

Additional & auxiliary systems

The JKD Livyatan is decorated with symbols of the Durish monarchy, boldly proclaiming the ship's allegiance to the Crown of Duryad The masthead pennant flying from the top of the mainmast reflected the fact that the Livyatan is a ship of war, signifying its status of a commissioned Royal Navy warship that belonged to the white squadron, the Royal Navy vessels that patrolled the coasts of Great Thrakos, South Naghron and the Broken Horn. The giant flag flying from the stern flagstaff revealed the Livyatan's position in the fleet - that of Sea Lord Maccal's flagship.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Livyatan has 16 rowboats with a max capacity of 60 people. These boats are mainly used for transportation in areas where the ship can't dock.
"Old Ironsides"
Owning Organization
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75,000 gp +
Singular in design
15.3 m (50.1 ft)
128. m (420 ft)
  • Draught: 8.76 m (28 ft 9 in)
  • Depth of hold: 10 m (33 ft)
  • Height from waterline to top of mainmast: 92m (301 ft)
She displaced about 1,522 tons,
5 miles per hour (120 miles per day)
Complement / Crew
The average wartime manning would have been about 900 marines, 300 sailors, 120 gunners and an assortment of other specialists such as surgeons, trumpeters and members of the admiral's staff, for a total of 1,420 men.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity