The Battle of Z'ar Rilark Military Conflict in Urbûn | World Anvil
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The Battle of Z'ar Rilark

The Battle of Z'ar Rilark, the last major battle of the Magowanese invasions of Tymeria (8 AC -10 AC ), was fought between the Magowanese navy and the combined fleet of the Maghreb Province. It took place in the early morning of 16 Nightal 10 AC and ended past dawn. The allied force of about 150 Maghrebish ships, led by admirals Zragar Maccal and Roberto Shadannii, attacked and either destroyed or captured more than half of the 600 Magowanese ships commanded by Bhaltair Guaire, who was attempting to link-up with George Ironfist. The battered survivors of Bhaltair's fleet limped back to Magowan.

The Conflict


With Z'ar Rilark in danger, Zragar Maccal made preparations to withstand siege. However, most of their manpower had been exausted in the battles that leaded up to this one, leaving the city walls undermanned. Asherah Goldfyre planned to level the field through the use of alchemistfire, a dangerous and highly destructive substance that she had made en masse that Maccal would later use for the battle.

The Engagement

Ironfist's fleet, commanded by Bhalthair Guarre, swept into Z'ar Rilark Bay and approached the city. The original plan was to destroy the royal fleet and land troops under the city walls. However, the royal fleet proved to be absent, Zragar Maccal having commanded it to hold their positions unntil commanded otherwise, to the people's incomprehension, rather than be sunk. Instead, Zragar had a single uncrewed ship filled with wildfire and send it to leak the substance directly into the bay. At his signal, Commander Narkul Cralthud of the western division ignited the wildfire with a flaming arrow, resulting in a tremendous explosion that obliterated the leading elements of Ironfist's fleet, including Bhaltair's flagship, flinging Bhaltair overboard into the bay, and killing him in the process. Although the explosion sunk many of Ironfist's ships, it was insufficient to stop him landing significant numbers of troops on the banks of the Z'ar Rilark Bank below the city. Under heavy arrow fire, Bhaltair Guaire personally leaded the assault on the city walls and managed to lead a small detachment onto the battlements.


Tymerian victory


Withdrawal of Magowanese armies following military stalemate
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Strategic Victory



300 ships
148 ships Tymeria: 85 warships Magowan: 63 warships 6 large transports 57 small fishing boats


200 ships
500 soldiers and sailors
