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The Njorskar, Njorskaring, Njorskarrfvolk also known as the Isenbluud barbarians, the Eiselvolkungar (commonly translated as "Ice-folk"), Northfolk, or the "Men of the Frozen Far North", are a tribal people who eked out a harsh and bitter life north of the Auldheim Mountains in Njorskarmarkr Each entirety of the Njorskar people lived within one of several tribes, each of which was ruled by a hersir or jarl.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Kjalla, Isulfs, Dalla, Thkatla, Thorbjorg, Hrafnhild, Regineif, Æsa, Matilda, Yri, Darri, Helga, Ingunn, Heith, Gudbjorg, Greiulf, Bera, Ragna, Torgard, Ragneid.

Masculine names

Anundr, Bjǫrnvenr, Borgfast, Dálkir, Eyfari, Hugleikr, Vetrled, Firthgest, Hrosskells, Agnar, Svinulfs, Ubbein,Havard, Asgrim, Sigvid, Hreida, Sigguatr, Jarnskeggi, Steinunn, Wrolfgeng, Halvdan Ulfgrim,Brondulf, Elfbjorg, Hrein.

Family names


Hrosskellsson, Agnarson,Ubbeinson, Asgrimson, Sigvidson, Brondulfson.  


Kjalladottir, Isulfsdottir, Dalladottir, Thkatladottir, Thorbjorgdottir, Helgadottir.


Major language groups and dialects

The Njorskar keep to the ways of the their ancestors who has lived in these lands since before it became the frozen land it is today. Thus, there are many languages beyond the Auldheim Mountains, in The Frozenafar North, including the Common Tongue. The Old language of Giant / Jotun  is still spoken by some, such as the Goliaths and the Wyntrsolvung clan.

Culture and cultural heritage


In keeping with the spirit of free folk independence, women are welcome to take up arms and fight alongside men. Such women are called spjot-vif or "spearwives", and are known to be every bit as ferocious as their male counterparts.

Average technological level

Njorskar are masterful shipbuilders specializing in a type of ship that are designed to withstand some of the roughest seas.
They have an adept understanding of magic as a hole, but far from as sophisticated or advanced as arcane magic, although their culture is quite distinct from their southern cousins and they hold to a strong druidic tradition. While the njorskar may not practice arcane magic to the same degree as say the Preumish, they make up for it having instead mastered a way to make magic almost physical in nature, something which they understand much better, namely runes, they use these to make portable spells which even non-wizards can cast. Skalds (bards), Seiðr(clerics) and Shamans (druids) are among the most common practitioners of magic in their lands. Apart from the magical, njorskar also are known as capable smiths. Their blacksmiths are vital, as they're responsible for creating and maintaining items necessary for survival, weapons and furniture. A njorsarings skills are said to be superior to most human smiths, and on occasion, on par with dwarven craftsmen.

Art & Architecture

Njorskarings are known as masters of wood and timber construction. Besides the many villages and towns scattered acroos the harsh landscape, there are also a few cities to be found. Njorskar buildings are built partly underground to conserve heat, and are made with stones, with wood used only for support, and roofs of straw above the wood. These houses are essential to keep in heat in the freezing climate. Similar designs are also seen in Fionmagh, northernmost Preusterland and Mekrads western border towns. Njorskardic buildings are known for being able to withstand the harshest elements for thousands of years. Auld Adalborg, one of the many bastions constructed before the Njorskar-Krashuk Union's foundation to guard its southern frontier, is a fine example: "towering walls of huge, irregular porphyry blocks fit together without seam or mortar" have stood since before the First Era.

Foods & Cuisine

Njorskar cuisine reflects the harsh climate and rugged landscape that has shaped their warrior culture. Farming is difficult, but wild game supplies a good deal of their nutrition. These meats are preserved through smoking, drying, pickling, or salting. Fish are also a prominent feature in Njorskar cooking, such as the salmon endemic to the Svardelfr River. The Njorskar are reputed for their great, warm, hearty feasts. Large roasts of mammoth, walrus, reindeer, musk ox and even the arctic subspecies of Sabretooth Tiger Seal and assorted game meats are cooked over a spit in the center of the hall, while rustic desserts made with juniper or snowberries are baked in cob ovens. The fruits available in Njorskarmarkr's scattered bushes have also made their way into the mead that is much-loved by this rugged race, which has developed a reputation abroad for being sweet and strong.   The smoky Urfornost cheese originated in Njorskarmarkr, although foreigners often find it unpleasant. Other food commonly found in Njorskarmark include rabbit sausage, rothe cheese, and bread honeycake, ale, mead and syra (basically fermented goat, mammoth or wooly rhino milk) ; and boiled grains and berries for breakfast. A samovar of strong, bitter tea was used in ritual meetings.

Coming of Age Rites

Some youths might leave their tribes to prove themselves in the wider world as a rite of passage. They often seek to battle the enemies of their people and return with spoils and stories from their exploits.

Funerary and Memorial customs

According to both written sources and first hand accounts, most of the funerals take place at sea. Funerals involve either burial or cremation, depending on local customs. In the areas with forests or peat, cremations are predominant; in the southern lands bordering the Northern Kingdoms burial was more common; and in some, both were common. The tales about sky burials are unconfirmed, but if true the Blóðhrafnung clan's funerary rituals are a sight to behold.   Some njorskar prefer to die in battle, even going so far as to leave the clan when they grow older to wander the world, looking for a mighty opponent to throw themselves against in an attempt to bring about their own glorious end. Often those that die so during a raid have war chants composed about them, often exaggerating their skill and prowess.   Others prefer to die a peaceful death and thus asspire to become a clan elder. Elders, in Njorskar culture, are repositories of cultural and philosophical knowledge within their tribal communities, as well as the transmitters of this storehouse of information. They are regarded as living libraries, with information on a wide variety of practical, spiritual and ceremonial topics, including "basic beliefs and teachings, in the old gods, our venerable ancestors and great sprits of the land"." Certain individuals, by virtue of qualifications and knowledge, are recognized by their respective communities as the ultimately qualified reservoirs of wisdom.


Beauty Ideals

Njorskar take great care in personal hygiene when at home or in peace, washing themselves regularly and braiding their hair, or getting tattos to show off.


The Njorskar are great fans of body art. Their society having mastered the art of tattooing. Considered by most cultures, njorskar tattoos are among the most intricate, delicate, and precise, with the goliaths' being the most proficient among the Njorskar. Designs vary greatly and are only limited by the available space and the artists imagination. Clan markings, magic glyphs, and even camouflage patterns are common. Tattoos are visually pleasing patterns of intricate lines, cross marks, dots and knots with each tribe preferring a design unique to them. These tattoos often included images of their totem animals and spirit guides. The passion for the art of tattooing is extremely widespread, especially among both Spjot-vif or "spearwives" male warriors and raiders, known to have decorative and even enchanted facial tattoos. They most often have shaven sides of their heads, decorated with traditional distinct runic designs. The warriors of the Wyntrsolvung clan take great pride in these markings with tattoos and scars that indicated their heritage, accomplishments, power, and social status being the height of bodily decoration. They often tattooed not just their foreheads but also eyes, cheeks, sleeves, chest, calves, hands, and feet.    The Spjot-vif or "spearwives" of Njorskarmarkr such as the Wyntrsolvung clan wear their hierarchical ranks and other organization affiliations tattooed on their backs and sleeves, in addition to their other markings. They often consists of lines, patterns on their cheeks, dots and circles. The more status and power they have, the more sophisticated the tattoos are. Imitating or faking these tattoos is a grave offense in the njorskar society. Njorskarings who are disgraced or has committed severe crimes have their facial tattoos forcefully and painfully removed with pumice brushes. While members of "foreign blood" had to endure the agonizing procedure of having thir markings removed by scaring the tattooed skin with scalding hot iron.   The barbarian folk of north the Auldheim Muntaints who worshiped animistic gods belonged to different animal-totem tribes. Males of these tribes are known to tattoo themselves with the images of their tribes' totems.   Njorskar much like their cousins the Krashuks and Preumish care greatly for physical beauty, it is sign of confidence and surplus of energy, that somebody has time to take care of themselves. Though they also value strenght, as such muscles and athletics are very attractive to both genders.

Major organizations

Tribes & Clans

  • Slagbloding
  • Wyntrsolvung
  • Svardbeorning
  • Voninbaynrung
  • Kvitehiorþung
  • Jairnvengrung
  • Swertormrung
  • Djuphuldring
  • Stridfryding
  • Blóðhrafnung