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The Burrow Inn

The Burrow Inn also known as Warmarch's Rest is a fine inn and tavern, which also doubles as an important wayside hub for travelers of all sorts. It is a cluster of ramshackle wooden buildings, built atop the original underground establishment, on the west bank of the Delilva River. Naturally, the inn is a popular attraction among visitors to Murov and a common point of departure as well as a refuge for expeditions into the extensive wilderness outside the city walls.   The Burrow Inn is a meeting hub for all, across class lines, background and borders, this inn in centre of the city, is a most welcome sight for for those traveling to the city. Decorated with curios and relics of Adventurers past. Old statutes decorate its corners, ornate barrel lids pulled from the cellar double as fine tables, and unbroken panes of stained glass hung overhead as chandeliers. The patrons of the Burrow Inn believed this was a proper way to honour the city and the bravery and achivements of heroes past.

Purpose / Function

The inn offer lodging and serve generous portions of food such as aurochs stakes, salmon or poultry when in season, and the traditional Krashuk Remorhaz & Behir Stroganoff ("Caught where the tundra and frozen peaks is nearly as salty as the widows!" ). The establishment also has an excellent wine list, of both local brew and of exotic import, permeating the entire building with their alluring aromas. Food, could be requested served in guest rooms rather than a communal dining area, should you want some privacy.  


The Burrow is a modern and beautiful inn for its time, ahaving been rebuilt several times. Each time incorporating elements from the current architecural trends, while retaining the foundation and soul of the building.


To mark the entrance to the inn, there is a signboard hanging above the front door that simply read "The Burrow" in letters carved deep into wood weathered to a silvery colour. It is suspended from a black-painted iron pole by two short loops of chains and this pole is set into the wall at the level of the first floor. This sign was quite old, having been recovered and reused each time the inn has been rebuilt.   Due to fires and other adventurer-related disasters, such as The Siege of Murov the Burrow has been rebuilt a number of times, with the fifth floor added in the most recent reconstruction. Typically, however, the building is big and rambling, constructed of wood and stone, and stood four to five stories high. It has a roof of slate. As of 32 PC, it is built of mismatched fieldstone, gray and unpainted, with walls 3‑foot-thick (0.91‑meter) and a steep-angled roof of unpainted dark-gray and black slate.   The inn is a five-storey building, although the top floor and cellar floor are a lot larger than the three central floors. The main entrance is found on the first floor via a vestibule that serves as a cloakroom or lobby. It holdd a reception desk staffed by a hostess on the north side and a rack for cloaks and coats against the south wall, and has three housejacks (bouncers) on duty. East of the desk is the door into the common room proper and it leads to the dining room and lounge, which has a typical bar and sells a variety of beverages. Lit by a huge hearth and by lanterns hanging from the sides of the grand staircase, adding an air of formality, class and legacy. The Burrow is renowned as a refuge from the loud and noisome city, further enhancing its safe, welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere.


In the early 290s AC, the fieldstone walls were built with a mortar containing gorgon's blood, which prevented teleportation through the walls. The walls were also 3 feet (0.91 meters) in width. Under the bar, Vyljems was known to keep handy a rod of flame extinguishing, and +2 seeking and returning handaxe, and an armed, wargrade, royal arbalestiers double crossbow loaded with two sleep arrows, known as a ready-bow, though Vyljems called his crossbow "Innkeeper's Intervention"  
Vyljems "The Barrel-Barron" Wehrmarsch

A somewhat wild and harsh proprietor, you'd better be on your best behaviour...
  If trouble broke out at the inn, Vyljems had a Horn of Valhall he would blow to summon his Preumish ancestors. If he was unavailable or incapacitated, then his wife Irenka or his daughter and staff manager Alina, the bouncer Bogdan or the two hostlers would find it and use it. A 12-person detachment of the City Guard could be summoned by the Watch using a warning horn of silent alarm and usually arrived in eight minutes or less.   As of 11 PC, the Burrow was protected by its patrons, most of them Adventurers of the realm employed by Tzar Desmund Vesiliev himself.


The Wehrmarsch family arrived in Murov from the Auldheim Mountains in Preusterland early in the golden age of renewal in Murov. The inn was founded around 283 AC by the adventurer, mercenary captain and later The "Barrel-Baron" of Murov, Vyljems Wehmarsch the Wanderer. Vyljems made sure the inn was built on top of an old cellar and subterranean tunnel complex used in alcohol smuggling. And according to rumours and local legends, he originally built The Burrow as a fron for his smuggeling enterprice, as the inn later became increasingly popular and profitable he abandoned his criminal ways, to better support his family and pregnant wife.   In 271 AC The Burrow was under Lord Magister Artyom Chernov's management. During that time the inn was not a bustling business but housed local refugees fleeing from the Capitas' all-out war to crush the Rushana-Domotlos Independence Revolt, that was ravaging the southern parts of the tzardom. The Burrow had almost no rooms available and only served watered-down ale during the long weeks of the conflict.   During the The Black Bloods' reign of terror throughout Mekrad in 11PC, the bandits did not frequent the inn, preferring to drink at in their mountain stronghold instead.   In 32 PC the Burrow remained in the hands of the Wehmarsch family, now called the Warmarch family, with Vyljems's great-great-great-great-grandson William Warmarch serving as proprietor.


The clientele consist mostly of adventurers, as well as Krashuk merchants and laborers and travelers from far-flung parts, all of them mingling freely. The adventuring patrons include both active, budding, and retired members of the profession, as well as fans of the life and young thrill-seeking nobles who come to bask in the atmosphere and "smell the excitement", as they put it. They are joined by opportunistic sellers of adventuring equipment, undercover agents of various groups listening in on their conversations, and thieves and confidence tricksters preying on the adventurers. Local regulars are often miners working in the Moaning Caves, shopkeepers from the market and river district, and workers from the Skyspear Trading Coster, Beats of Fire or Ignat's , all just there for a good meal after work. The travelers come from up and down the Delilva River, across the entire entire tzardom, from the far corners of Euron, from Naghron and Khondwanaq, and on the rarest of occasions some as far as the distant lands of the Old Eastern Empires, and a few even from other worlds entirely.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Warmarch's Rest, Barrel Burrow, Barrel Baron's
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
The Burrow
Where the proprietor knows your name, the staff and partrons your fame, and they're always glad you came…

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