Urbûn Siege of Murov
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Siege of Murov

Military action


The Siege of Murov was a conflict between the forces of Murov and the Blackblood forces under Húndark Thorne that took place in the Year of the Ageless One, 10 AC.

Willing to take advantage of the chaos in Murov because of the Desmund Vesiliev's weakened rule, Húndark Thorne launched a surprise attack against the city. With the aid of a few Black Legion members, Húnark sent a legion og dopplegangers, ogres and undead to besiege Murov. Under the leadership of Paladin Orion, Murov's city guard organized a quick defense against the Blackblood Forces. The rogue Belmorn Bennett led the attack against the vanguard, and he even fought on her own against a powerful ogre who was decimating the guards. She had the upper hand at first, but eventually he was overpowered and killed.   Meanwhile, Orion, Archer Lorilla, Grim the Bard and the Sorceress Lander were observing the battle from the West Burough Inn when the attackers breatched the walls. While Lander killed of the archers on her own, Orion ,Grim and Lorilla went to fight on the front lines. Grim was able to find Belmorn's body and get him away from the horde of Blackbloods, and joined forces with Orion and Lorilla to defeat the Mute Knight. Lander was able to land the killing blow, using a lightining blot. The identity of the Mute Knight was identified as Orions brainwashed sister. Eventually, the defenders were able to successfully repel the Blackblood horde.   However, that was not the end of the battle. Húndark Thorne succsessfully kidnapped Orion. Meanwhile, Lu the barbarian, Rey the ranger and Urchin the druid, helped some adventurers who survived the attack of the city, and tasked them to help them to kill Blackbloods and help wounded guards, and retrieve arrows from the battlefield to replenish the ammunition available to the archers.   The efforts of the guards were not enough, however, and Húndark soon launched a second attack against the city, to cover his escape.

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