Húndark Thorne Character in Urbûn | World Anvil
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Húndark Thorne

Artwork; king of orc 3D by YeongSeo Lee

Húndark Thorne (a.k.a. The Executioner)

Húndark Thorne, was the leader of the Black Bloods after his master Salvador Bronson's reurection, and is the primary antagonist of the story. He made his first major appearance as one of the main antagonists of the Murov Siege Arc. Like the rest of the Black Bloods, his goal was to kill Davos Goldfyre, the "Laughing Lion," thus having his long awaited revenge.   After completing this, Húndark changed his goal to instead, destroy society and to create a new one with a new form of justice in his own image, with himself ruling as a tyrant from the shadows.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Húndark is a large, bulky and extremely muscular half-orc set wide with long, black and red striped hair and small black eyes. a pair of crude, bull-like hords potrude from his skull.

Facial Features

He has a large scar going across the left side of his face, his left eyesoket covered with an eyepatch, and he has another, smaller scar on the right side of his forehead.

Identifying Characteristics

eye patch

Special abilities

  • Immense Strength:I Thanks to his fiendish blood, Húndark exhibits extreme levels of physical strength. Even when holding back, he is able to shatter rock and overpower each member of The BBEG Renmoval Squad with minimal effort, such as sending the young heroes flying with remarkable force with a mere kick. When fighting seriously, Húndark's reinforced strikes were able to cause destruction on a scale to similar to Michaels Flurry of Blows. He was also able to directly overpower Orion Aurixen, who was using Divine Smite im almost every blow at the time, in a physical clash.
  • Immense Durability: Húndark possesses a frightening level of impermeability to physical harm. He was able to take the full brunt of Orion Aurixen's Divine Smite, with minimal injury. Even after the battle, Húndark was shown fully awake, and fighting with his restraints while Orion was unconsious .
  • Immense Speed: Húndark has shown to be surprisingly swift despite his large bulk. He was able to catch Orion off-guard several times during their fight. With the increased muscle mass in his legs, Húndark is able to launch himself off the ground at blurring speeds. Orion surmised that, even if he took his friends and tried to run back to Murov, Húndark would overtake them in seconds the very minute the young hero opted a hasty retreat, especially since Orion was exhausted from the previous battles that day.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Húndark does not know the exact location of his birth. Neither the identity of his parents. But he knew three people. Sir Carlon, Davos and himself. he was trained by Carlon ,the master at arms in huntswood, and as his sparingpartner his mirror image, an assumed bastard with and origins unknown, gifted with martial prowess and arcane blessings. His name was Davos Thorne and he became my best friend and my family. Together they became an unstoppable paring. they fought together halting an orcish guerrilla group and as reward they where knighted to the Woodland Guard. They were patrolling the northern borders of the forest one day. The duo was ambushed by Blackbone shock troops and the pair were knocked unconscious, when Húndark woke up he was strapped to a wooden table. And so, they Brainwashed him to fit their purposes as scout, assassin, torturer, and informant. After Davos’s last meeting in the Blackbones camp where he killed the current chief Húndark gained partial control of his own self after he hit my head on a boulder. he fled back to his master, @sa, who aided him in the planing and assasination of Davos.

Gender Identity


Accomplishments & Achievements

founding The Black Bloods , assasinating Davos, bringing Salvador back to life, attacing Murov.

Morality & Philosophy

Húndark is proud of the Black Bloods, wanting to prove that his organization has the necessary power to shake society and taking pleasure in mocking those standing on his way. He doesn't tolerate others making light of the organisation's name and loathes the idea of certain personalities joining him. In the end, however, Húndark can set his pride aside in order to do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals, adopting Salvador's ideology to enlist more members to his cause and forming a deal with the Golden Emperor for economical backing and support.


Contacts & Relations

The Golden Emperor. work accosiate


Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryadh

nephew (Vital)

Towards Húndark Thorne



Húndark Thorne

uncle-like fugure (Important)

Towards Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryadh




Húndark Thorne uesd to be a good man. He helped raise Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryadh and he became one of many father figures. Trained him in the art of martial combat. Húndark was the uesd to take Victarion on trips through out Preamor. but one day Húndark disapaired. Victarion continued to practice his skil with the blade. he got forcefully enlisted in The Duryad Royal Army. years went by. one day during one Davos's many redundant festivities, Hundark, assisted by The Black Bloods, broke inn to the ball room and assasinated Davos.

Commonalities & Shared Interests


Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Duryadh

niece (Important)

Towards Húndark Thorne



Húndark Thorne

uncle (Important)

Towards Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Duryadh



Davos Duryad

half-brother (Important)

Towards Húndark Thorne



Húndark Thorne

half brother (Vital)

Towards Davos Duryad



Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
69 AC 11 PC 80 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Davos Duryad (half-brother)
Current Residence
dark purple
long, raven black in man bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
295 cm (Pre-Transformation)
98.4 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
orc,common, abyssal
Ruled Locations