
The Aenar are a subspecies of Andorian native to the icy moon of Andoria.  


Highly reculsive, the Aenar were considered a myth in Andorian society until 2104, when the Andorians rediscovered the Aenar living in the Northern Wastes of Andoria. Afterwards, the Aenar maintained diplomatic contact with the Andorian government, though they remained extremely secretive. In 2154 the Aenar made contact with Starfleet when one of their kind was kidnapped by the Romulan Star Empire to use their telepathic abilities as remote drone operators. When Andoria joined the Federation the Aenar joined as well and despite their reclusive nature many of their kind have joined Starfleet.  


Physiologically similar to their Andorian counterparts, the Aenar possess pale white skin, white hair, and antennae. However, they are unique in that their eyes lack pigmentation, appearing white or pale blue and many Aenar are blind or otherwise visually impaired. Aenar are known for their exceptional telepathic abilities, which set them apart from other Andorian subgroups. This telepathic gift allows them to communicate silently and share thoughts with one another as well as sense and navigate their surroundings. They are genetically compatiable with Andorians and several Hybrid offpsring have been noted in Federation archives.  

Society & Culture

Aenar society is characterized by its seclusion and emphasis on communal living. Living in subterranean cities beneath the icy surface of Andoria's moon, Aenar communities prioritize telepathic communication, fostering a deep sense of unity and understanding among their people. They are pacifistic by nature, preferring diplomacy over conflict.   Due to their telepathic abilities, Aenar often engage in intricate forms of art and shared storytelling, creating a rich cultural tapestry that reflects their unique way of connecting with each other. Despite their preference for isolation, some Aenar individuals have ventured beyond their home moon, seeking peaceful coexistence and cooperation with other species.