Cmn. Alixia Olivar

Alixia Olivar serves as a hull technicain on the USS Orpheus. She is joined to the Olivar host.  

Psychological Profile

Alixia Olivar represents a rare experience for Starfleet, a new Trill symbiont experience its first joined lifetime. Typically symbionts spend their first lifetime or two on Trill to better adapt to the joining process before risking the dangers of the greater galaxy but Olivar has a certain youthful rebellious nature to her that has run afoul of the Trill Committee. Multiple times they have tried to impose restrictions for the safety of both Alixia and Olivar and multiple times they have been broken. It is always difficult to analyze a joined Trill as it can be difficult to identify where the line is between host and symbiont but with Alixia Olivar it is remarkably easy as Olivar has not learned to seemlessly integrate into the mind of Alixia. Therefore it is common to hear Alixia and Olivar arguing with one another vocally and through this observation it is possible to identify their distinct personalities. Alixia is nervous but hard working. She has often been on the verge of being cut or failing but through sheer determination is able to cross from failure into success. This has resulted in a dedicated work ethic and a massive inferiority complex as she struggles with imposter syndrome. She has a lot of natural intelligence and she did succeed at the notoriously difficult Trill selection process and is likely a prime candidate for officer material in the future. Olivar, however, is reckless and rebellious eager to experience everything there is and is adverse to hard work and routine. It seems that Olivar selected Alixia in hopes of being able to dominate her as she tends to present a meek personality however in practice that iron will that allowed her succeed has also allowed her to exert considerable control on Olivar as well and it seems that enrollment in Starfleet is the agreed compromise between Olivar's desire to see the galaxy and Alixia's desire to be productive and operate within the boundaries and framework of civilization.  

Biographical Overview

Alixia was born on Trill and entered the Trill Symbiosis program. Alixia was a middling candidate on the verge of being cut every step of the way but through luck or tenacity was able to escape being cut at every milestone. Even still there were more candidates than available hosts and so despite paassing the trials it was expected Alixia would remain unjoined for awhile. Unexpectedly, the Olivar symbiont made itself known and in 2372 Alixia became its first bond.   After the joining Starfleet records get spotty as it seems the newly joined Alixia Olivar traveled all around generating its first joined experiences together. Alixia Olivar spardiocally pop up here and there for several years. In 2376 she was arrested by the Romulan Star Empire on accusation of spying for the Federation. Despite denial of any espionage activity, the Federation agreed to a prisoner exchange with the Romulans and Alixia Olivar was repatriated. After a discussion with the Trill Symbiosis Committee it was agreed that she would return to Trill to learn discipline and more methodical approaches for its first host experience. in 2377 Alixia Olivar broke this agreement by leaving Trill and when confronted she enlisted into Starfleet instead. In 2378 she was recognized as an engineering technician and assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 5th, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations