USS Orpheus

U.S.S. Orpheus (NCC-74863)


Service History

The Orpheus was commissioned in 2373 to continue the line of developing smaller deep-space exploration vessels. The Orpheus was designed around the new experimental EPS systems which put its design at odds to its sister ships that relied on the alternative bio-gel packs. Since the golden age of exploration the easiest paths of deep space exploration had already been taken and ships like the Orpheus were designed to forge new paths and discover new ways into areas previously designated as too dangerous for traditional exploration vessels.    

2373-2375: The Dominion War

The first captain to helm the Oprheus was Captain Eradas. Right from its launch the Orpheus was tasked to serve the Federation during the Dominion War as a heavy scout ship. The Orpheus was used to patrol and harass the Cardassian border. During the later stages the Orpheus was one of several ships for a planned task force to enter the Gamma Quadarant to map out Dominion space however before the expedition was to be launched the battle for Cardassia ended in an Allied victory and The Dominion surrendered before the Orpheus had to cross the border.  

2375 - 2377: Gamma Quadrant Exploration

Following the Dominion War the Orpheus was tasked with exploring the Gamma Quadrant and expanding the Federation's knowledge of that sector of space as well as mapping out potential first contact encounters and potential navigational hazards.  

2377 - 2379: Deep-Space Exploration

After completing its two year rotation for reconstruction efforts the Orpheus was tasked with resuming deep space exploration that had been deprioritized due to the Dominion War. One of its main assignments was to circumnavigate the Hellmaw Nebula to explore for any alternative routes into the Typhon Expanse that didn't rely on navigation through Romulan space. During this exploration phase it charted numerous stellar phenomenon including a proto-wormhole and placing sensors that will one day observe the death of a black hole located hundreds of lightyears from Federation borders. Unfortunately no alternative route was discovered through the Hellmaw leaving the Typhon Expanse's exploration solely to the USS Nightingale.

Power Generation

  • Dilithium Crystal Warp Core


  • Normal Cruise : 7
  • Maximum Cruise : 9.8
  • Maximum Rated : 9.975  for 10 hours.

Weapons & Armament

  • 13 x Type VIII phaser arrays, total output 10,000 TeraWatts
  • 5 x Standard photon torpedo tube w/ 38 rounds

Armor and defense

  • Standard shield system, total capacity 729,000 TeraJoules
  • Standard Duranium / Tritanium Single hull.
  • Standard level Structural Integrity Field

Communication Tools & Systems

  • Four primary arrays (2 lateral, 1 forward, 1 aft), Range of 20 Light Years.
  • Back up Secondary array. Range of 14 Light Years

Hangars & docked vessels

  • x2 Type 6 shuttles
  • x3 Type 8 Shuttles
  • x3 Type 9 Shuttles
  • x1 Custom Shuttle (Crimson Macaw)
Creation Date
June 13th, 2373
Owning Organization
Current location
133 m
343 m
66..2 m
700,000 metric tons
Warp 7
Complement / Crew