Cmn. Amiya Susumu (Ah-me-ya Soo-soo-moo)

Amiya Susumu is a damage control technician working on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Susumu shows signs of extreme intelligence and competency although it can be difficult for her to express it due to her general shyness and discomfort around other people. While it seems most of the efforts to indoctrinate her into an anti-government xenophobic cult were unsuccessful her ignorance in modern culture can still cause her difficulty in social situations and she has a hard time relating to those around her. In regards to her work it is assumed that she helped maintain various equipment within the compound she was raised in because she shows extreme aptitude around modern technology, especially in regards to life support and power systems and she quickly picks up on technical knowledge needed to repair or patch systems she is unfamiliar with.   

Biographical Overview

  Susumu was born on Earth as the daughter to a pair of disgraced archeologists. Her parents had once been part of a Federation exploration team but had been caught trying to sell cultural artifacts on the black market and were kicked out of the program. Starfleet was unable to recover all of the artifacts that had gone missing but were unable to prove any further crimes and while her parents were not imprisoned it did ruin their reputation within the Federation.    Susumu grew up on an anti-Federation commune located in the Pacific Northwest where she was indoctrinated into an anti-government militia with her parents. Information on the inner workings of this group are unavailable however Susumu fled from their compound in 2368 seeking asylum in the Federation and she was placed in a  foster home once asylum was granted. Her parents made no attempts at retrieving her nor was the Federation able to get any records on Susumu's education or history within the compound.    Her education was severely delayed by Federation standards however she was able to recover quickly and graduated primary schooling in 2374. She enlisted in Starfleet and showed aptitude towards technical skills and was accepted as an engineering technician. She was assigned to Outpost 33 in 2374 and after two years there was selected for re-assignment onto the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Starbase 12 (2374-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 2nd, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations