USS Nightingale (Night-ing-gale)

U.S.S. Nightingale (NCC-75921)


Service History

The Nightingale was commissioned in 2372 to continue the line of small-scale scout and science ship. Originally designed for short-range planetary surveys, the success of the class and its versatility has caused its role to slowly be expanded within Starfleet. While newer Nova-classes were being outfitted for longer range, the Nightingale was designed around the original pattern focusing on short-range exploration and planetary survey.   The Federation and its allies have charted thousands of worlds using probes and interstellar spectroscopy but has only been able to do detailed scans of a fraction of them. Ships like the Nightingale are sent to perform deeper scans to mark sites for mining, colonization, or research and slowly but steadily push out the boundaries of known space.    


The first Captain to helm the Nightingale was V'Lynak and the only notable event during its first few years in service was the complete lack of anything notable. It documented dozens of solar systems but otherwise Captain V'Lynak followed every protocol and beyond the usual stellar anomaly and occasional hostile encounter there was nothing notable during this time. As a small science vessel the Nightingale was not used on the front lines during The Dominion war.  


The second captain was Captain Blake who was reassigned to securing the Neutral Zone. Under Blake's Command the ship was used to explore and secure the Romulan Border scanning for signs of Romulan incursions or cloaked ships crossing the Federation border. During this tenure the ship was infiltrated by a deeply embedded Romulan sleeper Agent who operated as the Chief Science Officer on the ship for 2 years without incident. When Federation-Romulan relations broke down in 2376 and both governments started heading towards open conflict Lt. Tellek was activated. He sabotaged the ship's navigation causing the Nightingale to drift into the Neutral Zone where it was set upon by the IRW Raknor. Disabled and threatened by capture by the Romulans, Captain Blake gave her life to secure the ship's computer core from Tellek and prevent sensitive Federation fleet strength and positioning from falling into Romulan hands. Once it was rescued the ship was put into Luna Shipyards for repairs.    

2377 - Present

Having completed repairs the Nightingale was given to Captain Lewis to command as part of a new joint-Romulan expedition through the newly created access tunnel into the Typhon Expanse. As this passage crossed the neutral zone and Romulan space the Romulans put strict limits on weaponry and tonnage of Federation ships that could cross their space and eager for an opportunity to de-escalate from war, the Federation accepted. The Nightingale and its crew were specifically requested by Romulan Commander Mheven due to her prior experience with both the ship and its crew and again, in the interest of peace, Federation High Command accepted these unorthodox terms and conditions.

Power Generation

  • Dilithium Crystal Warp Core


  • Normal Cruise : 6
  • Maximum Cruise : 7
  • Maximum Rated : 8  for 20 hours.

Weapons & Armament

  • 11 x Type VIII phaser arrays, total output 6,000 TeraWatts
  • 2 x Standard photon torpedo tube w/ 25 rounds

Armor and defense

  • Standard shield system, total capacity 688,500 TeraJoules
  • Standard Duranium / Tritanium Single hull.
  • Standard level Structural Integrity Field