Cmn. Angelis Askell

Angelis Askell serves as a damage control technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychologcal Profile

Askell displays a high degre of responsibility, often acting as a shepherd or organizer for the other damage control technicains. She has developed a close bond with the other techs having gone through a significant ordeal recently and according to the other techs she acts as a sort of "mother" to the group, making sure the others are showing up on time and following the proper procedures. This natural tendency could be groomed for team lead potential however when her supervisors have pusuhed her into a more central leadership role she has balked and resisted. Based on our assessments it seems she suffers from shyness when the spotlight is focused on her but if she can overcome this stage fright she could be a tremendous asset to Engineering.  

Biographical Overview

Askell was born on Earth in 2352. Both her parents were engineers in starfleet and for the first several years she moved from ship to ship following one parent or another. By 2356 however both her parents had relocated to a Starbase in order to provide more stability and support for their family. She ended up becoming the oldest of six children and as she grew older she ended up helping her parents take care of her younger siblings. Academics were reasonable but she didn't pursue a career in starfleet, instead opting for civilian logistics and transportation. This changed in 2373 when the Dominion War broke out and her youngest brother died during the opening conflicts of the Dominion War. She enlisted on the spot and opted into engineering technician. She never came close to the front lines, however, as she acted as a backline replacement to free up more experienced officers. The USS Temeraire served as a hospital ship providing aid to survivors from the conflict. After the conclusuion of the war she stayed on as the USS Temeraire shifted into reconstruction efforst. In 2378 she indicated an interest in a tour of duty on an exploration vessel and was transferred to the USS Accra. The first stop for the Accra was to explore the Cigni Pyroflux Shroud which, due to a miscalculation by the captain, caused the entire ship to nearly be destroyed within a week of the start of its mission. The ship was recalled and the crew dispersed while the Accra would be scuttled due to the extensive damage it had received. Askell was instead re-assigned to the USS Orpheus instead.
NOTE: Askell was one of three survivors that were present when Cmdr. McCord was killed. By order of Lt. Cmdr. Duhl her testimony has been filed and sealed.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2373
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Accra [NCC-67932] (2378-2378)
USS Temeraire [NCC-56401] (2373-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 10th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations