Cmn. Brooklyn Carr

Brooklyn Carr serves as a shuttle technician on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Carr is very intelligent and empathetic able to read the room and slip into social settings with ease and yet she can act very odd at times. She seems to have huge gaps in her knowledge from technology to current events that seems almost impossible to have for someone who grew up in the Federation. She seems aware that her childhood was vastly different from most other people and has developed a shy attitude, preferring to be in a crowd but out of the spotlight. When attention is focusued on her she becomes very embarassed. The first time a supervisor called her out to praise her for her work she fled the shuttle bay and hid in her room for the rest of her shift. It is important to remember that she grew up in a very aytpical environment and experienced massive tragedy not that long ago and that she is likely still dealing with that trauma years later. Patience is necessary and supervisors are encouraged to continue helping her develop her social skills and fill in these gaps without putting too much attention on her until she is ready to receive it.  

Biographical Overview

Carr was born on Earth in 2356 however while growing up she spent little time there or anywhere in particular. Her parents served on a civilian merchant ship and Carr travelled all across Federation space and beyond during her childhood. Due to the transient nature of her childhood the records around her during this time are very spotty and they drop off entirely as her parents leave Federation space. In 2370 her parents ship was attacked by pirate raiders. She made it to an escape pod but her parents ship was destroyed and in one instance she lost all her friends and family.   She was rescued by a patrolling ship and returned back to Earth where she spent years in isolation dealing with the loss of her family. In 2374 she completed her primary education and applied for Starfleet Academy but was rejected. She spent the next coupl of years wandering around the Federation before enlisting in Starfleet in 2378.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (238-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 8th, 2356
Year of Birth
2356 25 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations