Cmn. Edison Reeves

Edison Reeves serves as a hull technician on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Reeves is excellent, almost too excellent. He is charming, intelligent, diligent and seems to work harder and faster than anyone else in engineering. Multiple times he has been recommened for advancement to an officer and multiple times he has quietly turned it down, stating he prefers to work with his hands. Other than the oddity of his background and lack of ambition, there is nothing to critique about him. He has a large social network, excels at his job and seems to be perfectly content with his place on the ship.  

Biogrpahical Overview

There are no records for Reeves prior to his enlistment in 2374. This raised a concern during the enlistment process so he was questioned by Starfleet Security. He claimed to have been the son of colonists on Pendi II, a Federation planet in the Demilitarized zone near Cardassian Union territory. His town was hit by raiders and while he survived, the town was wiped out. He ended up geting off planet as an undocumented worker on a Ferengi merchant vessel and only recently was able to get out from his contract to them and return to Federation space. There were questions about the validity of this story at the time during the background check. Pendi II was a colony, several towns had been wiped out by raiders and in the timeframe given there is security footage of him working as a laborer for Ferengi ships. Unfortunately for Reeves beyond that nothing could be proven however ultimately the needs of the Dominion War meant these could be overlooked. He was screened against being a Dominion infiltrator and when his genetic markers came up as human he was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2374
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 25th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Pendi II
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations