Cmn. Fin Hawkins

Finn Hawkins serves as a security crewmen on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Team).  

Psychological Profile

Hawkins is rock solid and reliable but there is a danger with having someone so stoic on the crew as it can be difficult to find out if there are any topis that need to be discussed before they fester. Hawkins is on par with many Vulcans in terms of withholding information about his inner thoughts and feelings. In fact, when he announced he was getting married most of the crew had no idea he was even in a relationship and it was only through combing through Federation logs that we were even able to add her name to Hawkin's file. It is believed that it was this relationship and marriage that caused him to leave the fringes and get a more respectable and reliable position but, again, it is very unclear where his true thoughts on the matter lie.    

Biographical Overview

Hawkins was born in the shipyards orbiting Mars. His parents were both Starfleet administrators coming from a long family history of service. Hawkins has four older brothers, all who became officers in Starfleet. When the time came for him to apply, however, he chose not to and instead left his family home. He boarded a trader heading towards Bajoran space. He found himself at ground zero for the Dominion War acting as first a civilian that needed to be rescued by Starfleet and then serving as a soldier to retake Bajoran colonies. Upon the signing of the peace treaty it seems Hawkins tried to go back to his life as a fringe trader however in 2376 he showed up at an enlistment center and became a security personnel. He was assigned to the USS Orpheus where he has proven to be a reliabel and dependable crewman.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A - Enlisted in 2376
Martial Status
Married (Danielle Hawkins)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2376-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 29th, 2358
Year of Birth
2358 23 Years old
Utopia Planatia Shipyards
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations