Cmn. Gonch Prirthef (Gonech Pry-er-thef)

Gonch Prirthef serves as a lab technician on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Prirthef's holoaddiction is cause for concern for his supervisors. While Federation records are lax, during counseling sessions he has given some details as to what happend when he fled the Federation. He ended up getting work for Dreamscape Enterprises, a prominent holoentertainment production company where he served as an actor the programmers could use to base movements and characters off of. The first couple years were really good for him however he was smart enough to realize thath is employer was trying to trap him in a cycle of debt which is common ijn that part of space. Between fees, taxes, and expenses he was having to put in extra hours just to break even. He met his wife, Korlic, there as she worked at the same studio as a programmer. She was also trapped in a cycle of debt and overtime and they came to the conclusion that if they wanted to raise a family, they couldn't stay in the holotainment industry. It seems that his time working in the industry has cooled Prirthef's addiction to a degree but as time goes on it is likely he will backslide into addictive patterns unless strict behavior measures are taken.   NOTE: In 2379 Prirthef celebrated the birth of his first child.  

Biographical Overview

Prirthef was born on Vargus in 2355. Vargus was a small, isolated colony dedicated to mining. His parents were both Starfleet officers that were coordinating the mining efforts between the colony and the Federation. Growing up with busy parents in a remote location caused Prirthef to spend a lot of his youth interacting with virtual characters through holonovels. By 2370 this obsession with holoentertianment was causing a noticable impact on his academic performance and his parents attempted to cut him off however he just used access provided by his friends to keep consuming holonovels. When he finally graduated in 2373 he left Vargus and headed for Ferengi Alliance to get work at one of their holostudios. Federation records do not have records his owrk in Ferengi space however in 2377 he re-appeared on the Federation border with a wife and headed back to Vargus. In 2379 he enlisted in Starfleet and became a certified lab technician assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2379
Martial Status
Married (Korlic Prirthef, 1 child)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 15th, 2355
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations