Cmn. Jameson Ashborne

Jameson Ashborne serves as a laboratory technician on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

There is a degree of delusion that one has to get accostomed to when dealing with Ashborne. In his mind, he is highly successful and just a short step away from becoming captain and commanding his own ship. The only thing standing in his way is, in his opinion, the entirely unfair science officer examinations. He doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that he has tried nearly a dozen times to become an officer and has failed, nor does he acknowledge that even if he passes, there is often another twenty to thirty years before you earn a command. It never seems to bother him as he is entirely focused on the next step in his career path and doesn't seem bothered to look beyond that next step.   In terms of performance after a decade serving Starfleet he is viewed as competent. He has a lot of experience however his somewhat abrasive personality and overconfidence can lead him to serious setbacks in his performance. Supervisors are reminded to really think carefully about what Ashborne is telling them as there is a certain excaggeration or creative interpretation that can happen when he is delivering status reports or explaining situations.   Overall Ashborne can be viewed primarily through his capricious behavior. Most of the time he performs adequately and maintains a positive social relationship with his peers however on occasion he seems to consider himself superior to his peers or even supervisors and this attitude creates a lot of toxicity that has often resulted in him being transferred to another shipk.  

Biographical Overvoiew

Ashborne was born into a large family of distinguished Starfleet personnel. Starfleet has had an Ashborne among the admiralty every single generation since its founding. Just among his family of his five older siblings, two already have their own command and another two are senior officers on that path. With such a distinguished family history there was a lot of pressure on Ashborne to live up to his family name and this seems to have impacted him in a negative way. He has struggled in his academics, did not pass the entrance exams for Starfleet Academy and after three retests ended up enlisting instead. In 2362 he served on the USS Thach where he single handedly foiled an Orion takeover of Thach. Orions had infiltrated the ship under the guise of being refugees and used their pheremones to influence the crew and were nearly successful in fooling the entire command staff but Ashborne, under heavy influence by Orion pheremones, declared himself to be the new captain and ended up in physical altercations with the other bridge crew and the accompanying adrenaline surge cut through the Orion's influence. Ashborne was given a promotion due to what was, at the time, believed to be a ruse however in 2367 he was demoted back down and transferred off the ship due to "personality conflicts" with the other crew. He was moved to the USS Bradshaw where he his career was once again a series of ups and downs as he occassionally performed above and beyond but then let that success ruin his work ethic and social relationships resulting in him being removed from advancement consideration. In 2374 as part of fleet-wide reorganizations due to the Dominion War he was assigned to the USS Trishna where he was captured by the Jem'Hadar almost immediately when his away team was ambushed. He spent 2 years in a Dominion POW camp as they believed they could use him to influence Admiral Ashborne however in 2375 with the conclusion of the war he was quietly released back to Starfleet and he returned to duty on the USS Trishna. In 2377 the captain of the Trishna requested his transfer and he was moved over to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2362
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Trishna [NCC-71807] (2374-2377)
USS Bradshaw [NCC-76656] (2367-2374)
USS Thach [NCC-81808] (2362-2367)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 21st, 2342
Year of Birth
2342 39 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations